Мне нужно решение, которое работало бы так же, как обычный NSTableView
, включая поддержку упругой прокрутки и тому подобное, поэтому я создал подкласс NSTableView
, который имеет свойство NSColor*
с именем alternateBackgroundColor
, а затем переопределил -drawBackgroundColorInClipRect:
метод вроде так:
- (void) drawBackgroundInClipRect:(NSRect)clipRect {
if([self alternateBackgroundColor] == nil) {
// If we didn't set the alternate colour, fall back to the default behaviour
[super drawBackgroundInClipRect:clipRect];
} else {
// Fill in the background colour
[[self backgroundColor] set];
// Check if we should be drawing alternating coloured rows
if([self alternateBackgroundColor] && [self usesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors]) {
// Set the alternating background colour
[[self alternateBackgroundColor] set];
// Go through all of the intersected rows and draw their rects
NSRect checkRect = [self bounds];
checkRect.origin.y = clipRect.origin.y;
checkRect.size.height = clipRect.size.height;
NSRange rowsToDraw = [self rowsInRect:checkRect];
NSUInteger curRow = rowsToDraw.location;
while(curRow < rowsToDraw.location + rowsToDraw.length) {
if(curRow % 2 != 0) {
// This is an alternate row
NSRect rowRect = [self rectOfRow:curRow];
rowRect.origin.x = clipRect.origin.x;
rowRect.size.width = clipRect.size.width;
// Figure out the height of "off the table" rows
CGFloat rowHeight = [self rowHeight];
if( ([self gridStyleMask] & NSTableViewSolidHorizontalGridLineMask) == NSTableViewSolidHorizontalGridLineMask
|| ([self gridStyleMask] & NSTableViewDashedHorizontalGridLineMask) == NSTableViewDashedHorizontalGridLineMask) {
rowHeight += 2.0f; // Compensate for a grid
// Draw fake rows below the table's last row
CGFloat virtualRowOrigin = 0.0f;
NSInteger virtualRowNumber = [self numberOfRows];
if([self numberOfRows] > 0) {
NSRect finalRect = [self rectOfRow:[self numberOfRows]-1];
virtualRowOrigin = finalRect.origin.y + finalRect.size.height;
while(virtualRowOrigin < clipRect.origin.y + clipRect.size.height) {
if(virtualRowNumber % 2 != 0) {
// This is an alternate row
NSRect virtualRowRect = NSMakeRect(clipRect.origin.x,virtualRowOrigin,clipRect.size.width,rowHeight);
virtualRowOrigin += rowHeight;
// Draw fake rows above the table's first row
virtualRowOrigin = -1 * rowHeight;
virtualRowNumber = -1;
while(virtualRowOrigin + rowHeight > clipRect.origin.y) {
if(abs(virtualRowNumber) % 2 != 0) {
// This is an alternate row
NSRect virtualRowRect = NSMakeRect(clipRect.origin.x,virtualRowOrigin,clipRect.size.width,rowHeight);
virtualRowOrigin -= rowHeight;