Функция transform для тройного преобразования любого вида реляционных данных в тройной формат:
def transform_to_triple(source,db_name,table,result):
#get the list of relations for the selected DB
max_records = 100
response = []
x_print = lambda *x : response.append("(%s)\n" %("".join(["%s"%(v) for v in x])))
id = 1
logger.info("(%s,(db_name,string), %s)" %(id,db_name))
tables = []
table_list = [table,]
for i, _table in enumerate(table_list):
_table_id = id + i + 1
x_print(id,',(rel:id),', _table_id)
logger.info("(%s,(rel, id), %s)" %(id, _table_id))
_schema = get_column_list(source, db_name,_table)
tables.append((_table_id, _table, _schema))
for _table in tables:
_table_id = _table[0]
for j,row in enumerate(result):
#lets assume there is always less than 10 k tuples in a table
_tuple_id = _table_id * max_records + j + 1
x_print(_table[0],',(tuple:id),', _tuple_id)
logger.info("(%s,(tuple, id), %s)" %(_table[0],_tuple_id))
for j,row in enumerate(result):
_tuple_id = _table_id * max_records + j + 1
for k,value in enumerate(row):
x_print(_tuple_id, ",(%s : %s)," %(_table[2][k][0], _table[2][k][1]), value)
return "%s" %("".join(response))
Функция get_column_list возвращает список столбцов в таблицах базы данных:
def get_column_list(src_name,db_name,table_name):
cur = get_connect() #Connecting with tool DB
query = '''select db_name, host, user_name, password from "DataSource" where src_name = '%s' and db_name = '%s' '''%(src_name, db_name)
data = cur.fetchall()
(db, host, username, password) = data[0]
_module = get_module(src_name)
cursor = _module.get_connection(db, host, username, password)
_column_query = _module.COLUMN_LIST_QUERY %(db_name, table_name)
except TypeError, e:
_column_query = _module.COLUMN_LIST_QUERY %(table_name)
except TypeError, e:
_column_query = _module.COLUMN_LIST_QUERY
column_list = cursor.fetchall()
return column_list