вот простой скрипт на python, который сделает преобразование за вас:
'''add terminal color values to a GUI only colorscheme'''
# USAGE: vim_colorscheme_convert.py <colorscheme_file>
import sys
import re
# requires path.py: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/path.py
from path import path
# requires colortrans.py: https://gist.github.com/MicahElliott/719710
from colortrans import rgb2short
HI_LINE = 'hi %(name)s guifg=%(guifg)s guibg=%(guibg)s gui=%(gui)s ctermfg=%(ctermfg)s ctermbg=%(ctermbg)s cterm=%(cterm)s'
f = path(sys.argv[1])
if not f.isfile():
print('File does not exist: %s' % f)
output = []
for line in f.lines():
m = re.match('hi\s+(?P<name>\w+)\s+.*$', line)
if not m:
# append non "hi" lines verbatim
values = {'name': m.group('name')}
for val in ('', 'fg', 'bg'):
m = re.search('gui%s=(?P<gui%s>\S+)' % (val, val), line)
if not m:
values['gui%s' % val] = 'NONE'
values['cterm%s' % val] = 'NONE'
values['gui%s' % val] = m.group('gui%s' % val)
if not values['gui%s' % val].startswith('#'):
values['cterm%s' % val] = values['gui%s' % val]
values['cterm%s' % val] = rgb2short(m.group('gui%s' % val).strip('#'))[0]
output.append(HI_LINE % values)
# make a back up of the original and write the new contents
f.copy('%s.bak' % f)