Пример Microsoft Solver Foundation из:
delegate CspTerm NamedTerm(string name);
public static void Zebra() {
ConstraintSystem S = ConstraintSystem.CreateSolver();
var termList = new List<KeyValuePair<CspTerm, string>>();
NamedTerm House = delegate(string name) {
CspTerm x = S.CreateVariable(S.CreateIntegerInterval(1, 5), name);
termList.Add(new KeyValuePair<CspTerm, string>(x, name));
return x;
CspTerm English = House("English"), Spanish = House("Spanish"),
Japanese = House("Japanese"), Italian = House("Italian"),
Norwegian = House("Norwegian");
CspTerm red = House("red"), green = House("green"),
white = House("white"),
blue = House("blue"), yellow = House("yellow");
CspTerm dog = House("dog"), snails = House("snails"),
fox = House("fox"),
horse = House("horse"), zebra = House("zebra");
CspTerm painter = House("painter"), sculptor = House("sculptor"),
diplomat = House("diplomat"), violinist = House("violinist"),
doctor = House("doctor");
CspTerm tea = House("tea"), coffee = House("coffee"),
milk = House("milk"),
juice = House("juice"), water = House("water");
S.Unequal(English, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Norwegian),
S.Unequal(red, green, white, blue, yellow),
S.Unequal(dog, snails, fox, horse, zebra),
S.Unequal(painter, sculptor, diplomat, violinist, doctor),
S.Unequal(tea, coffee, milk, juice, water),
S.Equal(English, red),
S.Equal(Spanish, dog),
S.Equal(Japanese, painter),
S.Equal(Italian, tea),
S.Equal(1, Norwegian),
S.Equal(green, coffee),
S.Equal(1, green - white),
S.Equal(sculptor, snails),
S.Equal(diplomat, yellow),
S.Equal(3, milk),
S.Equal(1, S.Abs(Norwegian - blue)),
S.Equal(violinist, juice),
S.Equal(1, S.Abs(fox - doctor)),
S.Equal(1, S.Abs(horse - diplomat))
bool unsolved = true;
ConstraintSolverSolution soln = S.Solve();
while (soln.HasFoundSolution) {
unsolved = false;
StringBuilder[] houses = new StringBuilder[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
houses[i] = new StringBuilder(i.ToString());
foreach (KeyValuePair<CspTerm, string> kvp in termList) {
string item = kvp.Value;
object house;
if (!soln.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out house))
throw new InvalidProgramException(
"can't find a Term in the solution: " + item);
houses[(int)house - 1].Append(", ");
houses[(int)house - 1].Append(item);
foreach (StringBuilder house in houses) {
if (unsolved)
System.Console.WriteLine("No solution found.");
"Expected: the Norwegian drinking water and the Japanese with the zebra.");