Самый простой и эффективный способ получения содержимого каталога FTP:
var contents = GetFtpDirectoryContents (новый Uri ("ftpDirectoryUri"), новый NetworkCredential ("userName", "password"));
public static List<string> GetFtpDirectoryContents(Uri requestUri, NetworkCredential networkCredential)
var directoryContents = new List<string>(); //Create empty list to fill it later.
//Create ftpWebRequest object with given options to get the Directory Contents.
var ftpWebRequest = GetFtpWebRequest(requestUri, networkCredential, WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory);
using (var ftpWebResponse = (FtpWebResponse)ftpWebRequest.GetResponse()) //Excute the ftpWebRequest and Get It's Response.
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(ftpWebResponse.GetResponseStream())) //Get list of the Directory Contentss as Stream.
var line = string.Empty; //Initial default value for line.
line = streamReader.ReadLine(); //Read current line of Stream.
directoryContents.Add(line); //Add current line to Directory Contentss List.
} while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)); //Keep reading while the line has value.
catch (Exception) { } //Do nothing incase of Exception occurred.
return directoryContents; //Return all list of Directory Contentss: Files/Sub Directories.
public static FtpWebRequest GetFtpWebRequest(Uri requestUri, NetworkCredential networkCredential, string method = null)
var ftpWebRequest = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(requestUri); //Create FtpWebRequest with given Request Uri.
ftpWebRequest.Credentials = networkCredential; //Set the Credentials of current FtpWebRequest.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(method))
ftpWebRequest.Method = method; //Set the Method of FtpWebRequest incase it has a value.
return ftpWebRequest; //Return the configured FtpWebRequest.