@ talonmies уже ответили на этот вопрос, показывая, как разделяемая память помогает повысить производительность.Таким образом, добавить нечего.Я просто хочу предоставить полный код с различными шагами по оптимизации, включая мозаику , разделяемую память и операции перемешивания , и показать некоторые результаты проведенного тестированияна Kepler K20c.
Приведенный ниже код, сформированный вокруг того, что представлено @talonmies, имеет 5
функций ядра, а именно
: без оптимизации
: использование плиток в массах источника и общей памяти
: использование плиток в массах назначения
: использует мозаику как в исходной, так и в целевой массе и использует общую память
: то же, что и выше, но вместо этого используются операции тасованияобщей памяти.
Возможно, по сравнению с тем, что уже опубликовано в литературе ( Быстрое моделирование N-тела с CUDA ) и тем, что уже доступно в виде кодов (см. ответы выше и * 1039).* Марк Харрис 'GitHub N-body page , лАст ядро это единственная новая вещь.Но я немного поиграл с N-body и нашел полезным опубликовать этот ответ, потенциально полезный для следующих пользователей.
Вот код
#include <stdio.h>
#define GRAVITATIONAL_CONST 6.67*1e−11
#define SOFTENING 1e-9f
#define gpuErrchk(ans) { gpuAssert((ans), __FILE__, __LINE__); }
inline void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, char *file, int line, bool abort=true)
if (code != cudaSuccess)
fprintf(stderr,"GPUassert: %s %s %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(code), file, line);
if (abort) exit(code);
/* iDivUp */
int iDivUp(int a, int b) { return ((a % b) != 0) ? (a / b + 1) : (a / b); }
template<int BLOCKSIZE>
void KernelcomputeForces(float* m_d, float* x_d, float* y_d, float* z_d, float* fx_d, float* fy_d, float* fz_d, unsigned int N)
int tid = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
if (tid < N) {
float invDist, invDist3;
// --- Initialize register accumulators for forces
float fx_temp = 0.0f, fy_temp = 0.0f, fz_temp = 0.0f;
// --- Move target particle data to registers
float x_reg = x_d[tid], y_reg = y_d[tid], z_reg = z_d[tid], m_reg = m_d[tid];
// --- Interact all with all
for(unsigned int ib=0; ib<N; ib++) {
// --- Compute relative distances
float dx = (x_d[ib] - x_reg);
float dy = (y_d[ib] - y_reg);
float dz = (z_d[ib] - z_reg);
float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
// --- Prevent slingshots and division by zero
distanceSquared += SOFTENING;
float invDist = rsqrtf(distanceSquared);
float invDist3 = invDist * invDist * invDist;
// --- Calculate gravitational magnitude between the bodies
float magnitude = GRAVITATIONAL_CONST * (m_reg * m_d[ib]) * invDist3;
// --- Calculate forces for the bodies: magnitude times direction
fx_temp += magnitude*dx;
fy_temp += magnitude*dy;
fz_temp += magnitude*dz;
// --- Stores local memory to global memory
fx_d[tid] = fx_temp;
fy_d[tid] = fy_temp;
fz_d[tid] = fz_temp;
template<int BLOCKSIZE>
void KernelcomputeForces_Shared(float* m_d, float* x_d, float* y_d, float* z_d, float* fx_d, float* fy_d, float* fz_d, unsigned int N)
int tid = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
if (tid < N) {
float invDist, invDist3;
__shared__ float x_sh[BLOCKSIZE], y_sh[BLOCKSIZE], z_sh[BLOCKSIZE], m_sh[BLOCKSIZE];
// --- Initialize register accumulators for forces
float fx_temp = 0.0f, fy_temp = 0.0f, fz_temp = 0.0f;
// --- Move target particle data to registers
float x_reg = x_d[tid], y_reg = y_d[tid], z_reg = z_d[tid], m_reg = m_d[tid];
// --- Interact all with all
for(unsigned int ib=0; ib<N; ib+=BLOCKSIZE) {
// --- Loading data to shared memory
x_sh[threadIdx.x] = x_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
y_sh[threadIdx.x] = y_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
z_sh[threadIdx.x] = z_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
m_sh[threadIdx.x] = m_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
#pragma unroll
for(unsigned int ic=0; ic<BLOCKSIZE; ic++) {
// --- Compute relative distances
float dx = (x_sh[ic] - x_reg);
float dy = (y_sh[ic] - y_reg);
float dz = (z_sh[ic] - z_reg);
float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
// --- Prevent slingshots and division by zero
distanceSquared += SOFTENING;
float invDist = rsqrtf(distanceSquared);
float invDist3 = invDist * invDist * invDist;
// --- Calculate gravitational magnitude between the bodies
float magnitude = GRAVITATIONAL_CONST * (m_reg * m_sh[ic]) * invDist3;
// --- Calculate forces for the bodies: magnitude times direction
fx_temp += magnitude*dx;
fy_temp += magnitude*dy;
fz_temp += magnitude*dz;
// --- Stores local memory to global memory
fx_d[tid] = fx_temp;
fy_d[tid] = fy_temp;
fz_d[tid] = fz_temp;
template<int BLOCKSIZE>
void KernelcomputeForces_Tiling(float* m_d, float* x_d, float* y_d, float* z_d, float* fx_d, float* fy_d, float* fz_d, unsigned int N)
float invDist, invDist3;
for (unsigned int tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
tid < N;
tid += blockDim.x*gridDim.x) {
// --- Initialize register accumulators for forces
float fx_temp = 0.0f, fy_temp = 0.0f, fz_temp = 0.0f;
// --- Move target particle data to registers
float x_reg = x_d[tid], y_reg = y_d[tid], z_reg = z_d[tid], m_reg = m_d[tid];
// --- Interact all with all
for(unsigned int ib=0; ib<N; ib++) {
// --- Compute relative distances
float dx = (x_d[ib] - x_reg);
float dy = (y_d[ib] - y_reg);
float dz = (z_d[ib] - z_reg);
float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
// --- Prevent slingshots and division by zero
distanceSquared += SOFTENING;
float invDist = rsqrtf(distanceSquared);
float invDist3 = invDist * invDist * invDist;
// --- Calculate gravitational magnitude between the bodies
float magnitude = GRAVITATIONAL_CONST * (m_reg * m_d[ib]) * invDist3;
// --- Calculate forces for the bodies: magnitude times direction
fx_temp += magnitude*dx;
fy_temp += magnitude*dy;
fz_temp += magnitude*dz;
// --- Stores local memory to global memory
fx_d[tid] = fx_temp;
fy_d[tid] = fy_temp;
fz_d[tid] = fz_temp;
template<int BLOCKSIZE>
void KernelcomputeForces_Tiling_Shared(float* m_d, float* x_d, float* y_d, float* z_d, float* fx_d, float* fy_d, float* fz_d, unsigned int N)
float invDist, invDist3;
for (unsigned int tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
tid < N;
tid += blockDim.x*gridDim.x) {
__shared__ float x_sh[BLOCKSIZE], y_sh[BLOCKSIZE], z_sh[BLOCKSIZE], m_sh[BLOCKSIZE];
// --- Initialize register accumulators for forces
float fx_temp = 0.0f, fy_temp = 0.0f, fz_temp = 0.0f;
// --- Move target particle data to registers
float x_reg = x_d[tid], y_reg = y_d[tid], z_reg = z_d[tid], m_reg = m_d[tid];
// --- Interact all with all
for(unsigned int ib=0; ib<N; ib+=BLOCKSIZE) {
// --- Loading data to shared memory
x_sh[threadIdx.x] = x_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
y_sh[threadIdx.x] = y_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
z_sh[threadIdx.x] = z_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
m_sh[threadIdx.x] = m_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
#pragma unroll
for(unsigned int ic=0; ic<BLOCKSIZE; ic++) {
// --- Compute relative distances
float dx = (x_sh[ic] - x_reg);
float dy = (y_sh[ic] - y_reg);
float dz = (z_sh[ic] - z_reg);
float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
// --- Prevent slingshots and division by zero
distanceSquared += SOFTENING;
float invDist = rsqrtf(distanceSquared);
float invDist3 = invDist * invDist * invDist;
// --- Calculate gravitational magnitude between the bodies
float magnitude = GRAVITATIONAL_CONST * (m_reg * m_sh[ic]) * invDist3;
// --- Calculate forces for the bodies: magnitude times direction
fx_temp += magnitude*dx;
fy_temp += magnitude*dy;
fz_temp += magnitude*dz;
// --- Stores local memory to global memory
fx_d[tid] = fx_temp;
fy_d[tid] = fy_temp;
fz_d[tid] = fz_temp;
oid KernelcomputeForces_Tiling_Shuffle(float* m_d, float* x_d, float* y_d, float* z_d, float* fx_d, float* fy_d, float* fz_d, unsigned int N)
float invDist, invDist3;
const int laneid = threadIdx.x & 31;
for (unsigned int tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
tid < N;
tid += blockDim.x*gridDim.x) {
// --- Initialize register accumulators for forces
float fx_temp = 0.0f, fy_temp = 0.0f, fz_temp = 0.0f;
// --- Move target particle data to registers
float x_reg = x_d[tid], y_reg = y_d[tid], z_reg = z_d[tid], m_reg = m_d[tid];
// --- Interact all with all
for(unsigned int ib=0; ib<N; ib+=32) {
// --- Loading data to shared memory
float x_src = x_d[ib + laneid];
float y_src = y_d[ib + laneid];
float z_src = z_d[ib + laneid];
float m_src = m_d[ib + laneid];
#pragma unroll 32
for(unsigned int ic=0; ic<32; ic++) {
// --- Compute relative distances
float dx = (__shfl(x_src, ic) - x_reg);
float dy = (__shfl(y_src, ic) - y_reg);
float dz = (__shfl(z_src, ic) - z_reg);
float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
// --- Prevent slingshots and division by zero
distanceSquared += SOFTENING;
float invDist = rsqrtf(distanceSquared);
float invDist3 = invDist * invDist * invDist;
// --- Calculate gravitational magnitude between the bodies
float magnitude = GRAVITATIONAL_CONST * (m_reg * __shfl(m_src, ic)) * invDist3;
// --- Calculate forces for the bodies: magnitude times direction
fx_temp += magnitude*dx;
fy_temp += magnitude*dy;
fz_temp += magnitude*dz;
// --- Stores local memory to global memory
fx_d[tid] = fx_temp;
fy_d[tid] = fy_temp;
fz_d[tid] = fz_temp;
template<int BLOCKSIZE>
float GPUcomputeForces(float* m_d, float* x_d, float* y_d, float* z_d, float* fx_d, float* fy_d, float* fz_d, unsigned int N) {
float time;
dim3 grid(iDivUp(N,BLOCKSIZE), 1, 1); // --- Specifys how many blocks in three possible dimensions
dim3 block(BLOCKSIZE, 1, 1); // --- Threads per block
cudaEvent_t start, stop;
gpuErrchk(cudaEventRecord(start, 0));
KernelcomputeForces_Shared<BLOCKSIZE><<<grid, block>>>(m_d, x_d, y_d, z_d, fx_d, fy_d, fz_d, N);
//KernelcomputeForces_Tiling<BLOCKSIZE><<<grid, block>>>(m_d, x_d, y_d, z_d, fx_d, fy_d, fz_d, N);
//KernelcomputeForces<BLOCKSIZE><<<grid, block>>>(m_d, x_d, y_d, z_d, fx_d, fy_d, fz_d, N);
gpuErrchk(cudaEventRecord(stop, 0));
gpuErrchk(cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop));
return time;
template<int GRIDSIZE, int BLOCKSIZE>
float GPUcomputeForces_Tiling(float* m_d, float* x_d, float* y_d, float* z_d, float* fx_d, float* fy_d, float* fz_d, unsigned int N) {
float time;
dim3 grid(GRIDSIZE, 1, 1); // --- Specifys how many blocks in three possible dimensions
dim3 block(BLOCKSIZE, 1, 1); // --- Threads per block
cudaEvent_t start, stop;
gpuErrchk(cudaEventRecord(start, 0));
//KernelcomputeForces_Tiling<BLOCKSIZE><<<grid, block>>>(m_d, x_d, y_d, z_d, fx_d, fy_d, fz_d, N);
KernelcomputeForces_Tiling_Shuffle<<<grid, block>>>(m_d, x_d, y_d, z_d, fx_d, fy_d, fz_d, N);
gpuErrchk(cudaEventRecord(stop, 0));
gpuErrchk(cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop));
return time;
void CPUcomputeForces(float* m_h, float* x_h, float* y_h, float* z_h, float* fx_h, float* fy_h, float* fz_h, unsigned int N) {
for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; i++) {
float invDist, invDist3;
float fx_temp = 0.0f, fy_temp = 0.0f, fz_temp = 0.0f;
// --- Interact all with all
for(unsigned int ib=0; ib<N; ib++) {
// --- Compute relative distances
float dx = (x_h[ib] - x_h[i]);
float dy = (y_h[ib] - y_h[i]);
float dz = (z_h[ib] - z_h[i]);
float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
// --- Prevent slingshots and division by zero
distanceSquared += SOFTENING;
float invDist = 1.f / sqrtf(distanceSquared);
float invDist3 = invDist * invDist * invDist;
// --- Calculate gravitational magnitude between the bodies
float magnitude = GRAVITATIONAL_CONST * (m_h[i] * m_h[ib]) * invDist3;
// --- Calculate forces for the bodies: magnitude times direction
fx_temp += magnitude*dx;
fy_temp += magnitude*dy;
fz_temp += magnitude*dz;
// --- Stores local memory to global memory
fx_h[i] = fx_temp;
fy_h[i] = fy_temp;
fz_h[i] = fz_temp;
/* MAIN */
int main(void)
const int N = 16384;
size_t gsize = sizeof(float) * size_t(N);
float * g[10], * _g[7];
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) gpuErrchk( cudaMalloc((void **)&_g[i], gsize));
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) g[i] = (float *)malloc(gsize);
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
*(g[j]+i) = (float)rand();
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(_g[i], g[i], gsize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
// --- Warm up to take context establishment time out.
// --- Bench runs
printf("1024: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces<512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("512: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces<512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("256: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces<256> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("128: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces<128> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("64: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces<64> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("32: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces<32> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("16, 1024: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<16,512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("8, 1024: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<8,512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("4, 1024: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<4,512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("32, 512: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<32,512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("16, 512: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<16,512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("8, 512: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<8,512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("64, 256: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<64,256> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("32, 256: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<32,256> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("16, 256: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<16,256> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("128,128: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<128,128>(_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("64, 128: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<64,128> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("32, 128: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<32,128> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("256,64: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<256,64> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("128,64: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<128,64> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("64, 64: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<64,64> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("512,32: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<512,32> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("256,32: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<512,32> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("128,32: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<512,32> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
for(int i=8; i<10; i++) gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(g[i], _g[i-3], gsize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=8; j<10; j++) {
if (abs(*(g[j]+i) - *(g[j-3]+i)) > 0.001f) {
printf("Error at %i, %i; GPU = %f; CPU = %f\n",i, (j-8), *(g[j-3]+i), *(g[j]+i));
printf("Test passed!\n");
return 0;
Вот некоторые результаты дляN = 16384
: оптимально BLOCKSIZE = 128
;t = 10.07ms
: оптимально BLOCKSIZE = 128
;t = 7.04ms
: оптимально BLOCKSIZE = 128
;t = 11.14ms
: оптимально GRIDSIZE = 64
;оптимальный BLOCKSIZE = 256
;t = 7.20ms
: оптимально GRIDSIZE = 128
;оптимальный BLOCKSIZE = 128
;t = 6.84ms
Кажется, что очень незначительные операции деформирования деформации улучшают производительность по сравнению с общей памятью.