Или вам так:
var input_message = [
"w? Shows whos on the waitlist",
"w+ Adds yourself to the waitlist",
"w- Removes yourself from the waitlist",
"w++ Moves yourself down one spot on the waitlist",
"-mods Shows a list of available moderators",
"-plays Shows how many songs each DJ has played",
"-promote Requests a vote from everyone for you to be moved to 1st on the list",
"-pull [#] Requests a vote from everyone to pull that DJ off the booth Number of DJ is what number spot he is on the booth Numbers read from left to right",
"-remove [#] Removes that number DJ from the waitlist Must be a moderator",
"-votekick [username] Requests a vote from everyone to kick the user",
"Type -help [command] for more info on a command (ie. -help w?)"