У меня есть мой код: (и еще я не могу вставить сюда все)
function deleteLogo($logo)
// define path to file to delete
$filePath = 'images/stories/members/' . $logo;
$imagePath = 'images/stories/members/image/' . $image;
// check if files exists
$fileExists = JFile::exists($filePath);
$imageExists = JFile::exists($imagePath);
// attempt to delete file
$fileDeleted = JFile::delete($filePath);
// attempt to delete file
$fileDeleted = JFile::delete($imagePath);
function saveLogo($files, $data)
$uploadFile = JRequest::getVar('logo', null, 'FILES', 'ARRAY');
$uploadImage = JRequest::getVar('image', null, 'FILES', 'ARRAY');
$save = true;
$saveImage = true;
if (!is_array($uploadFile)) {
// @todo handle no upload present
$save = false;
if ($uploadFile['error'] || $uploadFile['size'] < 1) {
// @todo handle upload error
$save = false;
if (!is_uploaded_file($uploadFile['tmp_name'])) {
// @todo handle potential malicious attack
$save = false;
if (!is_array($uploadImage)) {
// @todo handle no upload present
$saveImage = false;
if ($uploadImage['error'] || $uploadImage['size'] < 1) {
// @todo handle upload error
$saveImage = false;
if (!is_uploaded_file($uploadImage['tmp_name'])) {
// @todo handle potential malicious attack
$saveImage = false;
// Prepare the temporary destination path
//$config = & JFactory::getConfig();
//$fileDestination = $config->getValue('config.tmp_path'). DS . JFile::getName($uploadFile['tmp_name']);
// Move uploaded file
$fileDestination = 'images/stories/members/' . $data['id'] . '-' . $uploadFile['name'];
$uploaded = JFile::upload($uploadFile['tmp_name'], $fileDestination);
$fileDestination = 'images/stories/members/image/' . $data['id'] . '-' . $uploadImage['name'];
$uploadedImage = JFile::upload($uploadImage['tmp_name'], $fileDestination);