У меня довольно простой вопрос.Я просто изучаю Карты и мультикарты и хочу знать, как передать их в функцию.Я сосредоточил свои мысли на мультикартах, но хотел бы получить быстрый пример того, как передать их в пустую функцию.
int main()
multimap<string,int> movies;
movies.insert(pair<string,int>("Happy Feet",6));
movies.insert(pair<string,int>("Happy Feet",4));
movies.insert(pair<string,int>("Pirates of the Caribbean",5));
movies.insert(pair<string,int>("Happy Feet",3));
movies.insert(pair<string,int>("Pirates of the Caribbean",4));
movies.insert(pair<string,int>("Happy Feet",4));
movies.insert(pair<string,int>("Flags of out Fathers",4));
cout<<"There are "<<movies.count("Happy Feet")<<" instances of "<<"Happy Feet"<<endl;
cout<<"There are "<<movies.count("Pirates of the Caribbean")<<" instances of "<<"Pirates of the Caribbean"<<endl;
cout<<"There are "<<movies.count("Flags of out Fathers")<<" instances of "<<"Flags of out Fathers"<<endl;
cout<<"There are "<<movies.count("Gigli")<<" instances of "<<"Gigli"<<endl;
calculateAverage(movies); // this is where im getting errors such as no conversions
return 1;
void calculateAverage(multimap<string,int> *q)
// this function wont calculate the average obviously. I just wanted to test it
int averageH;
int averageP;
int averageF;
int averageG;
averageH = (q->count("Happy Feet"));
averageP = (q->count("Happy Feet"));
averageF = (q->count("Happy Feet"));
averageG = (q->count("Happy Feet"));