Насколько вам нужно это шифрование? Вам может понадобиться простой XOR с другим int, хотя вам, возможно, придется быть осторожным со знаковыми битами.
В качестве альтернативы, если вы хотите что-то более безопасное, просто внедрите простой 32-битный шифр Фейстеля. Вот тот, который я подготовил ранее:
* IntegerPerm is a reversible keyed permutation of the integers.
* This class is not cryptographically secure as the F function
* is too simple and there are not enough rounds.
* @author Martin Ross
public final class IntegerPerm {
// Private Data //
/** Non-zero default key, from www.random.org */
private final static int DEFAULT_KEY = 0x6CFB18E2;
private final static int LOW_16_MASK = 0xFFFF;
private final static int HALF_SHIFT = 16;
private final static int NUM_ROUNDS = 4;
/** Permutation key */
private int mKey;
/** Round key schedule */
private int[] mRoundKeys = new int[NUM_ROUNDS];
// Constructors //
public IntegerPerm() { this(DEFAULT_KEY); }
public IntegerPerm(int key) { setKey(key); }
// Public Methods //
/** Sets a new value for the key and key schedule. */
public void setKey(int newKey) {
assert (NUM_ROUNDS == 4) : "NUM_ROUNDS is not 4";
mKey = newKey;
mRoundKeys[0] = mKey & LOW_16_MASK;
mRoundKeys[1] = ~(mKey & LOW_16_MASK);
mRoundKeys[2] = mKey >>> HALF_SHIFT;
mRoundKeys[3] = ~(mKey >>> HALF_SHIFT);
} // end setKey()
/** Returns the current value of the key. */
public int getKey() { return mKey; }
* Calculates the enciphered (i.e. permuted) value of the given integer
* under the current key.
* @param plain the integer to encipher.
* @return the enciphered (permuted) value.
public int encipher(int plain) {
// 1 Split into two halves.
int rhs = plain & LOW_16_MASK;
int lhs = plain >>> HALF_SHIFT;
// 2 Do NUM_ROUNDS simple Feistel rounds.
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROUNDS; ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
// Swap lhs <-> rhs
final int temp = lhs;
lhs = rhs;
rhs = temp;
} // end if
// Apply Feistel round function F().
rhs ^= F(lhs, i);
} // end for
// 3 Recombine the two halves and return.
return (lhs << HALF_SHIFT) + (rhs & LOW_16_MASK);
} // end encipher()
* Calculates the deciphered (i.e. inverse permuted) value of the given
* integer under the current key.
* @param cypher the integer to decipher.
* @return the deciphered (inverse permuted) value.
public int decipher(int cypher) {
// 1 Split into two halves.
int rhs = cypher & LOW_16_MASK;
int lhs = cypher >>> HALF_SHIFT;
// 2 Do NUM_ROUNDS simple Feistel rounds.
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROUNDS; ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
// Swap lhs <-> rhs
final int temp = lhs;
lhs = rhs;
rhs = temp;
} // end if
// Apply Feistel round function F().
rhs ^= F(lhs, NUM_ROUNDS - 1 - i);
} // end for
// 4 Recombine the two halves and return.
return (lhs << HALF_SHIFT) + (rhs & LOW_16_MASK);
} // end decipher()
// Private Methods //
// The F function for the Feistel rounds.
private int F(int num, int round) {
// XOR with round key.
num ^= mRoundKeys[round];
// Square, then XOR the high and low parts.
num *= num;
return (num >>> HALF_SHIFT) ^ (num & LOW_16_MASK);
} // end F()
} // end class IntegerPerm