Мы только недавно начали получать предупреждения о нашей системе сборки, которые в конечном итоге приводят к сбою сборки.Сборка работает нормально, если я встраиваю в IDE VS2005.
Кажется, ошибка сводится к следующей ошибке:
Task "ResolveVCProjectOutput" skipped, due to false condition; ( ('$(Configuration)' == 'Debug') and ('$(Platform)' == 'Win32') ) was evaluated as ( ('Release' == 'Debug') and ('Win32' == 'Win32') ).
Я пытаюсь встроитьрежим выпуска, но кажется, что ResolveVCProjectOutput может обрабатывать только режим отладки.
Я собираю для Win32 на 64-битной машине в VS2005 с использованием msbuild.
В случае, если это уместно, вотнемного больше результата сборки:
Task "Delete"<br>
Deleting file "D:\Farm\MSVC80\Builds\RetargetingPluginsDeploymentWindows\RetargetingPlugins\Install\XSIRetargetInstallerWindows\XSIRetargetInstallerWindows.tmp_Release_Win32.vcproj".<br>
del "D:\Farm\MSVC80\Builds\RetargetingPluginsDeploymentWindows\RetargetingPlugins\Install\XSIRetargetInstallerWindows\XSIRetargetInstallerWindows.tmp_Release_Win32.vcproj"<br>
Done executing task "Delete".<br>
Done building target "XSIRetargetInstallerWindows" in project "Slave.sln".<br>
Target "MotionBuilderRetargetInstallerWindows" skipped. Previously built successfully.<br>
Target "MayaRetargetInstallerWindows" skipped. Previously built successfully.<br>
Target "MaxRetargetInstaller" skipped. Previously built successfully.<br>
Target "RetargetingPluginsDeploymentWindows" in file "D:\Farm\MSVC80\Builds\RetargetingPluginsDeploymentWindows\Slave.sln":<br>
Task "ResolveVCProjectOutput" skipped, due to false condition; ( ('$(Configuration)' == 'Debug') and ('$(Platform)' == 'Win32') ) was evaluated as ( ('Release' == 'Debug') and ('Win32' == 'Win32') ).<br>
Task "CreateItem"<br>
Done executing task "CreateItem".<br>
Task "ResolveVCProjectOutput" skipped, due to false condition; ( ('$(Configuration)' == 'Debug') and ('$(Platform)' == 'Win32') ) was evaluated as ( ('Release' == 'Debug') and ('Win32' == 'Win32') ).<br>
Task "CreateItem"<br>
Done executing task "CreateItem".<br>
Task "ResolveVCProjectOutput" skipped, due to false condition; ( ('$(Configuration)' == 'Debug') and ('$(Platform)' == 'Win32') ) was evaluated as ( ('Release' == 'Debug') and ('Win32' == 'Win32') ).<br>
Task "CreateItem"<br>
Done executing task "CreateItem".<br>
Task "ResolveVCProjectOutput" skipped, due to false condition; ( ('$(Configuration)' == 'Debug') and ('$(Platform)' == 'Win32') ) was evaluated as ( ('Release' == 'Debug') and ('Win32' == 'Win32') ).<br>
Task "CreateItem"<br>
Done executing task "CreateItem".<br>
Task "CreateTemporaryVCProject" skipped, due to false condition; ( ('$(Configuration)' == 'Debug') and ('$(Platform)' == 'Win32') ) was evaluated as ( ('Release' == 'Debug') and ('Win32' == 'Win32') ).<br>
Task "VCBuild" skipped, due to false condition; ( ('$(Configuration)' == 'Debug') and ('$(Platform)' == 'Win32') ) was evaluated as ( ('Release' == 'Debug') and ('Win32' == 'Win32') ).<br>
Task "Delete" skipped, due to false condition; ( ('$(Configuration)' == 'Debug') and ('$(Platform)' == 'Win32') ) was evaluated as ( ('Release' == 'Debug') and ('Win32' == 'Win32') ).<br>
Task "ResolveVCProjectOutput"<br>
Resolving VC project reference "D:\Farm\MSVC80\Builds\RetargetingPluginsDeploymentWindows\RetargetingPlugins\Install\XSIRetargetInstallerWindows\XSIRetargetInstallerWindows.vcproj".<br>
D:\Farm\MSVC80\Builds\RetargetingPluginsDeploymentWindows\Slave.sln : warning MSB3422: Failed to retrieve VC project information through the VC project engine object model. Unable to determine default tool for the specified file configuration.<br>
D:\Farm\MSVC80\Builds\RetargetingPluginsDeploymentWindows\Slave.sln : warning MSB3425: Could not resolve VC project reference "D:\Farm\MSVC80\Builds\RetargetingPluginsDeploymentWindows\RetargetingPlugins\Install\XSIRetargetInstallerWindows\XSIRetargetInstallerWindows.vcproj".<br>
Done executing task "ResolveVCProjectOutput".