У меня возникла проблема с подключением к удаленным окнам с ошибкой Ошибка (0x80004005): Ошибка не указана.Я решил следующим образом:
//Define path
//This path uses the full path of user authentication
String path = string.Format("WinNT://{0}/{1},user", server_address, username);
DirectoryEntry deBase = null;
//Try to connect with secure connection
deBase = new DirectoryEntry(_ldapBase, _username, _passwd, AuthenticationTypes.Secure);
//Connection test
//After test define the deBase with the parent of user (root container)
object nativeObject = _deRoot.NativeObject;
_deRoot = _deRoot.Parent;
catch (Exception ex)
//If an error occurred try without Secure Connection
_deRoot = new DirectoryEntry(_ldapBase, _username, _passwd);
//Connection test
//After test define the deBase with the parent of user (root container)
object nativeObject = _deRoot.NativeObject;
_deRoot = _deRoot.Parent;
nativeObject = _deRoot.NativeObject;
catch (Exception ex2)
//If an error occurred throw the error
throw ex2;