public class SimpleLinkedHashSetExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//create object of LinkedHashSet
LinkedHashSet lhashSet = new LinkedHashSet();
Add an Object to LinkedHashSet using
boolean add(Object obj) method of Java LinkedHashSet class.
This method adds an element to LinkedHashSet if it is not
already present in LinkedHashSet.
It returns true if the element was added to LinkedHashSet, false otherwise.
lhashSet.add(new Integer("1"));
lhashSet.add(new Integer("2"));
lhashSet.add(new Integer("3"));
Please note that add method accepts Objects. Java Primitive values CAN NOT
be added directly to LinkedHashSet. It must be converted to corrosponding
wrapper class first.
System.out.println("LinkedHashSet contains.." + lhashSet);
Output of the program would be
LinkedHashSet contains..[1, 2, 3]
Вы можете использовать LinkedhashSet, приведенный выше.