Небольшое редактирование, которое использует pg_escape_string для цитирования и которое поддерживает PHP NULLS и логические значения:
* Converts a php array into a postgres array (also multidimensional)
* Each element is escaped using pg_escape_string, only string values
* are enclosed within single quotes, numeric values no; special
* elements as php nulls or booleans are literally converted, so the
* php NULL value is written literally 'NULL' and becomes a postgres
* NULL (the same thing is done with TRUE and FALSE values).
* Examples :
* $input = array('bla bla', 'ehi "hello"', 'abc, def', ' \'VERY\' "BASTARD,\'value"', NULL);
* to_pg_array($input) ==>> 'ARRAY['bla bla','ehi "hello"','abc, def',' ''VERY'' "BASTARD,''value"',NULL]'
* try to put this value in a query (you will get a valid result):
* select unnest(ARRAY['bla bla','ehi "hello"','abc, def',' ''VERY'' "BASTARD,''value"',NULL]::varchar[])
* $input = array(1, 2, 3, 8.5, null, 7.32);
* to_pg_array($input) ==>> 'ARRAY[1,2,3,8.5,NULL,7.32]'
* try: select unnest(ARRAY[1,2,3,8.5,NULL,7.32]::numeric[])
* $input = array(false, true, true, null);
* to_pg_array($input) ==>> 'ARRAY[FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,NULL]'
* try: select unnest(ARRAY[FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,NULL]::boolean[])
* $input = array(array('abc', 'def'), array('ghi', 'jkl'));
* to_pg_array($input) ==>> 'ARRAY[ARRAY['abc','def'],ARRAY['ghi','jkl']]'
* try: select ARRAY[ARRAY['abc','def'],ARRAY['ghi','jkl']]::varchar[][]
* EMPTY ARRAY (is different than null!!!):
* $input = array();
* to_pg_array($input) ==>> 'ARRAY[]'
* try: select unnest(ARRAY[]::varchar[])
* $input = NULL;
* to_pg_array($input) ==>> 'NULL'
* the functions returns a string='NULL' (literally 'NULL'), so putting it
* in the query, it becomes a postgres null value.
* If you pass a value that is not an array, the function returns a literal 'NULL'.
* You should put the result of this functions directly inside a query,
* without quoting or escaping it and you cannot use this result as parameter
* of a prepared statement.
* Example:
* $q = 'INSERT INTO foo (field1, field_array) VALUES ($1, ' . to_pg_array($php_array) . '::varchar[])';
* $params = array('scalar_parameter');
* It is recommended to write the array type (ex. varchar[], numeric[], ...)
* because if the array is empty or contains only null values, postgres
* can give an error (cannot determine type of an empty array...)
* The function returns only a syntactically well-formed array, it does not
* make any logical check, you should consider that postgres gives errors
* if you mix different types (ex. numeric and text) or different dimensions
* in a multidim array.
* @param array $set PHP array
* @return string Array in postgres syntax
function to_pg_array($set) {
if (is_null($set) || !is_array($set)) {
return 'NULL';
// can be called with a scalar or array
settype($set, 'array');
$result = array();
foreach ($set as $t) {
// Element is array : recursion
if (is_array($t)) {
$result[] = to_pg_array($t);
else {
if (is_null($t)) {
$result[] = 'NULL';
// PHP TRUE::boolean
elseif (is_bool($t) && $t == TRUE) {
$result[] = 'TRUE';
// PHP FALSE::boolean
elseif (is_bool($t) && $t == FALSE) {
$result[] = 'FALSE';
// Other scalar value
else {
// Escape
$t = pg_escape_string($t);
// quote only non-numeric values
if (!is_numeric($t)) {
$t = '\'' . $t . '\'';
$result[] = $t;
return 'ARRAY[' . implode(",", $result) . ']'; // format