Я новичок в Ext и у меня проблема: я пытаюсь заполнить extjs-grid данными:
Ext.onReady(function() {
var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
root: 'topics',
totalProperty: 'totalCount',
idProperty: 'threadid',
remoteSort: true,
autoLoad: true, ///
fields: [
'title', 'forumtitle', 'forumid', 'author',
{name: 'replycount', type: 'int'},
{name: 'lastpost', mapping: 'lastpost', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'timestamp'},
'lastposter', 'excerpt'
proxy: new Ext.data.ScriptTagProxy({
method : 'GET'
var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([
{sortable:true, id : 'id', dataIndex:'id'},
{sortable:true, id : 'title', dataIndex:'title'},
{sortable:true, id : 'forumtitle', dataIndex:'forumtitle'},
{sortable:true, id : 'forumid', dataIndex:'forumid'},
{sortable:true, id : 'author', dataIndex:'author'}
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
id: 'mainGrid',
// stripeRows: true,
stateful: false, // skipSavingSortState
// width:1000,
// height:700,
bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({
id : 'mainGridPaginator',
hideRefresh : true,
plugins: new Ext.ux.Andrie.pPageSize({
beforeText: 'View: ',
afterText: '',
addAfter: '-',
variations: [10, 25, 50, 100, 1000]
//comboCfg: {
//id: '${ dispview_widgetId }_bbar_pageSize'
displayMsg: 'Displaying items {0} - {1} of {2}',
emptyMsg:'No data found',
и частью Java:
@Path("/getJobs/{startFrom}-{startTo}/search-{searchType}-{searchName:.*}/" +
"sort-{sortType}/filterjobname-{filterJobName:.*}/filterusername-{filterUsername:.*}/" +
public String getJobs(
@PathParam("startFrom") String startFrom,
@PathParam("startTo") String startTo,
@PathParam("searchType") String searchType,
@PathParam("searchName") String searchName,
@PathParam("sortType") String sortType,
@PathParam("filterJobName") String filterJobName,
@PathParam("filterUsername") String filterUsername,
@PathParam("filterStatus") String filterStatus,
@PathParam("filterSubmittedDate") String filterSubmittedDate) {
return "{totalCount:'3',topics:[{title:'XTemplate with in EditorGridPanel',threadid:'133690',username:'kpremco',userid:'272497',dateline:'1305604761',postid:'602876',forumtitle:'Ext 3x Help',forumid:'40',replycount:'2',lastpost:'1305857807',lastposter:'kpremco',excerpt:'Hi I have an EditiorGridPanel whose one column i am using XTemplate to render and another Column is Combo Box FieldWhen i render the EditorGri'}," +
"{title:'IFrame error _flyweights is undefined',threadid:'133571',username:'Daz',userid:'52119',dateline:'1305533577',postid:'602456',forumtitle:'Ext 3x Help',forumid:'40',replycount:'1',lastpost:'1305857313',lastposter:'Daz',excerpt:'For Ext 330 using Firefox 4 Firebug, the following error is often happening when our app loads e._flyweights is undefined Yetthis '}," +
"{title:'hellllllllllllllpwhy it doesnt fire cellclick event after I change the cell value',threadid:'133827',username:'aimer311',userid:'162000',dateline:'1305700219',postid:'603309',forumtitle:'Ext 3x Help',forumid:'40',replycount:'3',lastpost:'1305856996',lastposter:'aimer311',excerpt:'okI will discribe this problem as more detail as I canI look into this problem for a whole dayI set clicksToEdit1 to a EditorGridPanelso when I'}]}";
В результате я получаю ошибку JavaScript:
Syntax error at line 1 while loading:
expected ';', got ':'
Хотя, когда я использую URL прокси:
URL: 'http://extjs.com/forum/topics-browse-remote.php',
, который представляет ту же информацию,У меня нет проблем.
Где моя ошибка ????
PS Комментарии к первому ответу:
return "{\"totalCount\":\"3\",\"topics\":[{\"title\":\"XTemplate with in EditorGridPanel\",\"threadid\":\"133690\",\"username\":\"kpremco\",\"userid\":\"272497\",\"dateline\":\"1305604761\",\"postid\":\"602876\",\"forumtitle\":\"Ext 3x Help\",\"forumid\":\"40\",\"replycount\":\"2\",\"lastpost\":\"1305857807\",\"lastposter\":\"kpremco\",\"excerpt\":\"Hi I have an EditiorGridPanel whose one column i am using XTemplate to render and another Column is Combo Box FieldWhen i render the EditorGri\"}," +
"{\"title\":\"IFrame error _flyweights is undefined\",\"threadid\":\"133571\",\"username\":\"Daz\",\"userid\":\"52119\",\"dateline\":\"1305533577\",\"postid\":\"602456\",\"forumtitle\":\"Ext 3x Help\",\"forumid\":\"40\",\"replycount\":\"1\",\"lastpost\":\"1305857313\",\"lastposter\":\"Daz\",\"excerpt\":\"For Ext 330 using Firefox 4 Firebug, the following error is often happening when our app loads e._flyweights is undefined Yet, this \"}," +
"{\"title\":\"hellllllllllllllpwhy it doesn't fire cellclick event after I change the cell value\",\"threadid\":\"133827\",\"username\":\"aimer311\",\"userid\":\"162000\",\"dateline\":\"1305700219\",\"postid\":\"603309\",\"forumtitle\":\"Ext 3x Help\",\"forumid\":\"40\",\"replycount\":\"3\",\"lastpost\":\"1305856996\",\"lastposter\":\"aimer311\",\"excerpt\":\"okI will discribe this problem as more detail as I canI look into this problem for a whole dayI set clicksToEdit1 to a EditorGridPanelso when I\"}]}";
У меня есть следующееошибка:
Syntax error at line 1 while loading:
expected ';', got ':'
PS # 2.Когда я добавил «[» в начале строки ответа и «]» в конце, ошибки исчезли, но сетка не была заполнена данными