У меня был проект печати на матричных принтерах, я изменил свой код, он может помочь вам при отображении создать консольный проект и заменить код на мой
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
namespace Matrix
class Program
public static System.Data.DataTable CreateTeamTable()
DataTable team = new DataTable();
team.TableName = "Team";
team.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TeamCode", typeof(int)));
team.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TeamName", typeof(string)));
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 0, "Ado Den Haag" });
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 1, "AZ" });
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 2, "FC Groningen" });
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 3, "FC Twente" });
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 4, "FC Utrecht" });
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 5, "Feyenoord" });
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 6, "Hercules Almelo" });
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 7, "NAC Breda" });
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 8, "PSV" });
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 9, "Roda JC" });
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 10, "SC Heerenveen" });
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 11, "Sparta Rotterdam" });
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 12, "Vitesse" });
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 13, "VVV-Venlo" });
team.Rows.Add(new object[] { 14, "Willem II" });
return team;
public static System.Data.DataTable CreateMatchTable()
DataTable matchTable = new DataTable();
matchTable.TableName = "Match";
matchTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Host", typeof(int)));
matchTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Guest", typeof(int)));
matchTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Date", typeof(string)));
matchTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("HostScor", typeof(int)));
matchTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("GuestScor", typeof(int)));
return matchTable;
public static List<MatrixItem> ToMatrix(System.Data.DataTable tbl)
var result = new List<MatrixItem>();
int i = 0;
foreach (System.Data.DataColumn column in tbl.Columns)
int j = 0;
int x = 0;
foreach (System.Data.DataRow item in tbl.Rows)
var col = item[column].ToString();
if (i > 0)
col = string.Empty;
if (x == 0)
col = column.ColumnName;
if ((j == i) && (i > 0))
col = "*";
var m = new MatrixItem() { ColData = col, X = x, Y = i };
x += 15;
return result;
public static List<MatrixItem> CreateSample()
var list = new List<MatrixItem>();
var countries = new string[] { " ", "England ", "Germany ", "Holland ", "Spain ", "Germany ", "Russia ", "Japan" };
for (int i = 0; i < countries.Length; i++)
int x = 0;
int j = 0;
foreach (var item in countries)
var col = item;
if (i > 0)
col = string.Empty;
if (x == 0)
col = countries[i];
if ((j == i) && (i > 0))
col = "*";
var m = new MatrixItem() { ColData = col, X = x, Y = i };
x += item.Length;
return list;
public static void PrintMenu(System.Data.DataTable tblTeam)
foreach (System.Data.DataRow item in tblTeam.Rows)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} )- {1}", item["TeamCode"], item["TeamName"]));
Console.WriteLine("Press 1 to Enter Results");
Console.WriteLine("Press 2 to show result table");
Console.WriteLine("Enter Command Number");
public static void printMatrix(List<MatrixItem> list)
var j = 0;
DosPrinter ds = new DosPrinter(900, 18);
foreach (var item in list)
ds.PrintXY(item.X, item.Y, item.ColData);
public static int Readint()
string gcstr = Console.ReadLine();
int gc = 0;
while (!Int32.TryParse(gcstr, out gc))
Console.WriteLine("Bad Value ( press x to exit app) re enter code : ");
gcstr = Console.ReadLine();
if (gcstr.ToLower() == "x")
return -1;
return gc;
public static void GetResults(System.Data.DataTable results)
Console.Write("Enter Guest Code: ");
int hc = Readint();
Console.Write("Enter HostCode Code: ");
int gc = Readint();
Console.Write("Enter Match date: ");
string dateStr = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Enter host score: ");
int hs = Readint();
Console.Write("Enter Guestscore: ");
int gs = Readint();
results.Rows.Add(new object[] { hc, gc, dateStr, hs, gs });
public static void ShowResult(System.Data.DataTable tblTeam,System.Data.DataTable tblMatches)
var matrixList = new List<MatrixItem>();
int i = 0;
foreach (System.Data.DataRow horzRow in tblTeam.Rows)
int x = 0;
int j = 0;
foreach (System.Data.DataRow vertRow in tblTeam.Rows)
string col = string.Empty;
if (i > 0 & j > 0)
var rs = tblMatches.Select(string.Format("(Host={0} and guest={1}) or (Host={1} and guest={0})", horzRow["TeamCode"], vertRow["TeamCode"]));
if (rs.Length > 0)
col = "*";
if (i == 0 & j == 0)
col = " ";
if ((i == 0) && (j > 0))
col = vertRow["TeamName"].ToString();
if ((i > 0) && (j == 0))
col = horzRow["TeamName"].ToString();
var m = new MatrixItem() { ColData = col, X = x, Y = i };
x += 25;
printMatrix( matrixList );
static void Main(string[] args)
var teams = CreateTeamTable();
var matches = CreateMatchTable();
int x = 'a';
while (x != 'x')
x = Console.Read();
if (x == '1')
if (x == '2')
ShowResult(teams, matches);
public class MatrixItem
public string ColData { get; set; }
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
public class DosPrinter
#region Fields
private int width;
private int height;
private byte[,] canvas;
private int baseX = 0;
private int baseY = 0;
#region Functionality
public void PrintXY(int x, int y, string value)
int startx = baseX + x;// -value.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
canvas[startx + i, baseY + y] = Convert.ToByte(value[i]);
public void Finilize()
object k = 1;
object l = 0;
object lf = false;
object ss = " ";
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
Array crt = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(byte), baseX + this.width);
string line = string.Empty;
for (int j = 0; j < baseX + width; j++)
crt.SetValue(canvas[j, i], j);
line += ((char)canvas[j, i]).ToString();
//vbPrinter.PrintBytes(ref crt, ref LineFeed);
catch { }
public void CleareBuffer()
public void InitCanvas()
canvas = new byte[baseX + width, baseY + height];
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
canvas[i, j] = 32;
public string DrawLine(int len)
string line = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
line += "-";
return line;
#region Constructor
public DosPrinter(int width, int height)
this.width = baseX + width;
this.height = baseY + height;