Вот кое-что, что вы можете использовать, я взял у Джерри Никсона и Дарена Мея в Виртуальной академии Microsoft " Разработка универсальных приложений для Windows с C # и XAML ", а код, содержащий логику DependencyObject, здесь " 1003 * (W8.1-WP8.1) УНИВЕРСАЛЬНОЕ ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЛЯ MVA".
namespace App1.Behaviors
// <summary>
/// Helper class that allows you to monitor a property corresponding to a dependency property
/// on some object for changes and have an event raised from
/// the instance of this helper that you can handle.
/// Usage: Construct an instance, passing in the object and the name of the normal .NET property that
/// wraps a DependencyProperty, then subscribe to the PropertyChanged event on this helper instance.
/// Your subscriber will be called whenever the source DependencyProperty changes.
/// </summary>
public class DependencyPropertyChangedHelper : DependencyObject
/// <summary>
/// Constructor for the helper.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Source object that exposes the DependencyProperty you wish to monitor.</param>
/// <param name="propertyPath">The name of the property on that object that you want to monitor.</param>
public DependencyPropertyChangedHelper(DependencyObject source, string propertyPath)
// Set up a binding that flows changes from the source DependencyProperty through to a DP contained by this helper
Binding binding = new Binding
Source = source,
Path = new PropertyPath(propertyPath)
BindingOperations.SetBinding(this, HelperProperty, binding);
/// <summary>
/// Dependency property that is used to hook property change events when an internal binding causes its value to change.
/// This is only public because the DependencyProperty syntax requires it to be, do not use this property directly in your code.
/// </summary>
public static DependencyProperty HelperProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Helper", typeof(object), typeof(DependencyPropertyChangedHelper), new PropertyMetadata(null, OnPropertyChanged));
/// <summary>
/// Wrapper property for a helper DependencyProperty used by this class. Only public because the DependencyProperty syntax requires it.
/// DO NOT use this property directly.
/// </summary>
public object Helper
get { return (object)GetValue(HelperProperty); }
set { SetValue(HelperProperty, value); }
// When our dependency property gets set by the binding, trigger the property changed event that the user of this helper can subscribe to
private static void OnPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var helper = (DependencyPropertyChangedHelper)d;
helper.PropertyChanged(d, e);
/// <summary>
/// This event will be raised whenever the source object property changes, and carries along the before and after values
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler<DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs> PropertyChanged = delegate { };
Использование XAML:
<TextBlock Grid.Row="0"
Text="{Binding WritingMenu.Title}"
Использование xaml.cs:
Behaviors.DependencyPropertyChangedHelper helper = new Behaviors.DependencyPropertyChangedHelper(this.WritingMenuTitle, Models.CommonNames.TextBlockText);
helper.PropertyChanged += viewModel.OnSenarioTextBlockTextChangedEvent;
Использование viewmodel.cs:
public async void OnSenarioTextBlockTextChangedEvent(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
StringBuilder sMsg = new StringBuilder();
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(".....WritingMenuTitle : New ({0}), Old ({1})", args.NewValue, args.OldValue));
catch (Exception msg)
#region Exception