с помощью нижеприведенного плагина-заполнителя jquery, который создает метки и накладывает поле с меткой.
Моя проблема в том, что у меня есть проверка поля и функция, которая помещает фокус на поле, которое возвращает ошибку проверки.
При программной установке фокуса метка / заполнитель сохраняется.Если я нажимаю на поле, оно работает как надо.
Есть ли очевидные обходные пути?
jQuery Placeholder 1.1.1
Copyright (c) 2010 Michael J. Ryan (http://tracker1.info/)
Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
Sets up a watermark for inputted fields... this will create a LABEL.watermark
tag immediately following the input tag, the positioning will be set absolute,
and it will be positioned to match the input tag.
To activate on all tags with a 'data-watermark' attribute:
To style the tags as appropriate (you'll want to make sure the font matches):
label.placeholder {
cursor: text; <--- display a cursor to match the text input
padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px; <--- this should match the border+padding
for the input field(s)
color: #999999; <--- this will display as faded
You'll also want to have the color set for browsers with native support
input:placeholder, textarea:placeholder {
color: #999999;
input::-webkit-input-placeholder, textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: #999999;
Thanks to...
This works similar to the overlabel, but creates the actual label tag
based on a data-watermark attribute on the input tag, instead of
relying on the markup to provide it.
var boundEvents = false;
var default_options = {
labelClass: 'placeholder'
//check for native support for placeholder attribute, if so stub methods and return
var input = document.createElement("input");
if ('placeholder' in input) {
$.fn.placeholder = $.fn.unplaceholder = function(){}; //empty function
delete input; //cleanup IE memory
delete input;
$.fn.placeholder = function(options) {
var opts = $.extend(default_options, options)
var rnd=Math.random().toString(32).replace(/\./,'')
,label=$('<label style="position:absolute;display:none;top:0;left:0;"></label>');
if (!input.attr('placeholder') || input.data(ph) === ph) return; //already watermarked
//make sure the input tag has an ID assigned, if not, assign one.
if (!input.attr('id')) input.attr('id') = 'input_' + rnd;
label .attr('id',input.attr('id') + "_placeholder")
.data(ph, '#' + input.attr('id')) //reference to the input tag
.addClass(opts.labelClass + '-for-' + this.tagName.toLowerCase()) //ex: watermark-for-textarea
.data(phl, '#' + label.attr('id')) //set a reference to the label
.data(ph,ph) //set that the field is watermarked
.addClass(ph) //add the watermark class
.after(label); //add the label field to the page
//setup overlay
$.fn.unplaceholder = function(){
var input=$(this),
if (input.data(ph) !== ph) return;
function bindEvents() {
if (boundEvents) return;
//prepare live bindings if not already done.
$('.' + ph)
bound = true;
boundEvents = true;
function itemIn() {
var input = $(this)
,label = $(input.data(phl));
label.css('display', 'none');
function itemOut() {
var that = this;
//use timeout to let other validators/formatters directly bound to blur/focusout work first
var input = $(that);
.css('top', input.position().top + 'px')
.css('left', input.position().left + 'px')
.css('display', !!input.val() ? 'none' : 'block');
}, 200);
и вот сгенерированный код в поле:
<input name="Number" title="Enter Gift Card 1 Number" class="CO_PM_GiftCardNumField PLACEHOLDER-INPUT" id="frmGCD_1_Number" style="width: 144px;" onkeypress="return checkEnter(event,'frmGCD_1')" type="text" maxLength="19" placeholder="Enter gift card" />
<label class="placeholder placeholder-for-input PLACEHOLDER-LABEL" id="frmGCD_1_Number_placeholder" style="position: absolute; display: block; top: 18px; left: 14px;" for="frmGCD_1_Number" >