Я использую конфигурацию для базовых (загрузочных) данных как:
resources.view.meta.name.Viewport = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"
resources.view.meta.name.MobileOptimized = "width"
resources.view.meta.name.HandheldFriendly = "true"
resources.view.meta.name.Keywords = "basic,keywords"
; format resources.view.headStyle.{MEDIA}.nfile =
resources.view.headStyle.all.1.href = "/css/basic.css"
resources.view.headStyle.all.1.conditionalStylesheet =
resources.view.headStyle.all.1.extras.title = "Basic style"
resources.view.headStyle.all.1.extras.charset = "utf-8"
resources.view.headStyle.all.2.href = "/css/ie.css"
resources.view.headStyle.all.2.conditionalStylesheet = "IE"
resources.view.headStyle.all.2.extras.title = "Internet Explorer style"
resources.view.headStyle.all.2.extras.charset = "utf-8"
; print media example
resources.view.headStyle.print.1.href = "/css/print.css"
; format resources.view.headLink.{REL} =
resources.view.headLink.humans.href = "/humans.txt"
resources.view.headLink.humans.type = "text/plain"
; ___ will be replaced by space, __ by point (or set another nest separator)
resources.view.headLink.shortcut___icon.href = "/favicon.png"
resources.view.headLink.shortcut___icon.type = "image/png"
На данный момент, возможно, у вас есть некоторые специальные данные. Например в:
project.headLink.author.href = "https://plus.google.com/XXXXX?rel=author"
project.headLink.image_src.href = "/author.jpg"
project.headLink.image_src.type = "image/jpg"
И, наконец, вы смешиваете все в своем
(пример для * _initHeadLink () *):
// $options = your app options (basic)
// $projectOptions = your project options (special)
// $assets_url = your assets url
if ( is_array($headStyle = $options['headStyle']) ) {
foreach ( $headStyle as $media => $value ) {
foreach ( $value as $style ) {
$this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet($assets_url . $href, $media,
$conditionalStylesheet, $extras);
$headLinks = array();
if ( isset($options['headLink']) )
$headLinks = $options['headLink'];
if ( isset($projectOptions['headLink']) )
$headLinks = array_merge($headLinks, (array) $projectOptions['headLink']);
// *array key, is the value for rel
foreach ( $headLinks as $rel => $value ) {
$rel = str_replace(array('___', '__'), array(' ', '.'), $rel);
$this->view->headLink()->headLink(array_merge(array('rel' => $rel), (array) $value));
Затем вы можете переопределить эти данные из вашего контроллера: setName, set ...
Надеюсь, это поможет;)