У меня есть следующий код для работы. Проблема, с которой я столкнулся, заключается в том, что код проходит через цикл while без ожидания ввода в строке String temp = Console.ReadLine () . Нужна помощь в понимании, почему и как исправить, пожалуйста. Заранее спасибо!
/*Banker's algorithm Implementation*/
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int n = 0;//number of resources we will be dealing with
int proc_num = 0;//Total number of processes to share available resources
IDictionary<String, SysProcess> processes = new Dictionary<String, SysProcess>();
IDictionary<String, int> MaxR = new Dictionary<String, int>();// maximum available resources
IDictionary<String, int> avail = new Dictionary<String, int>();// Available resources after first allocation
Dictionary<String, int> availsum = new Dictionary<string, int>();
while (true)
Console.WriteLine(" What is number of resources to be shared? : ");
if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out n))
Console.WriteLine(" Error Please provide valid number --- {0}!", n);
//get the maximum number of each Resources Ie Total Resources Available
while (true && n>0)
Console.WriteLine("Using a comma delimited list(e.g. 0, 0, 0, 0) list maximum of each of the {0} resources : ", n);
String temp;
temp = Console.ReadLine();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(temp))
String[] maxR = temp.Split(',');
for (int a = 1; a <= n; a++)
MaxR.Add("Resource#" + a.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(maxR[a]));
while (true && n>0)
Console.Write("Enter total number of processes to share the available resources :");
if (!int.TryParse(Console.Read().ToString(), out proc_num))
Console.WriteLine(" Error Please provide valid number --- {0}!", proc_num);
{ break; }
if(proc_num > 0)
//Request Process Max and allocated resources data
for (int i = 1; i <= proc_num; i++)
Console.Write("Using a comma delimited list, Enter total number of Resources 1 through {0} are needed by PROCESS#{1} ?", n, i);
String[] temps = Console.ReadLine().Split(',');
SysProcess tempproc = new SysProcess("Process#" + i.ToString());
for (int a = 0; a < temps.Length; a++)
tempproc.Add_max_resource("Resource#" + (a + 1).ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(temps[a]));
//How many resources have already been allocated to each resource
temps = null;
Console.Write("Using a comma delimited list,Enter number of resources 1 through {0} already allocated to PROCESS#{1} ? ", n, i);
temps = Console.ReadLine().Split(',');
for (int a = 0; a < temps.Length; a++)
tempproc.add_alloc_resource("Resource#" + (a + 1).ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(temps[a]));
processes.Add("Process#" + i.ToString(), tempproc);
Console.WriteLine("Processing . . . ");
Console.WriteLine("Available resources ");
//Compute Available Resources
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (!availsum.ContainsKey("Resource#" + (i + 1).ToString()))
availsum.Add("Resource#" + (i + 1).ToString(), 0);
foreach (SysProcess sp in processes.Values)
{ //add sum up the available
availsum["Resource#" + (i + 1).ToString()] += sp.alloc_resources["Resource#" + (i + 1).ToString()];
//print out the availables we computed
Console.Write(" avail< ");
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
Console.Write(availsum["Resource#" + (j + 1).ToString()] + ",");
if (j + 1 == n)//if this is the last one, go ahead and output the rest
Console.Write("{0} > ", availsum["Resource#" + (j + 1).ToString()]);
// Printing resources still needed
foreach (SysProcess p in processes.Values)
//a) Find a row in the Need matrix which is less than the Available vector.
//If such a row exists, then the process represented by that row may complete
//with those additional resources. If no such row exists, eventual deadlock is possible.
Dictionary<String, int> _currentavailsum;
foreach (SysProcess p in processes.Values)
int TotalSproccounter = 0;
String safelead;
if (isprocessSafe(n, p, availsum))
safelead = p.id;
_currentavailsum = new Dictionary<String, int>();
_currentavailsum = availsum;//get a copy of the original data to begin with
foreach (SysProcess q in processes.Values)
if (q != p)//we only want to compare with the others from here
if (isprocessSafe(n, p, _currentavailsum))
update_availsum(n, q, ref _currentavailsum);//update the currentavail count
//update print
safelead += ", " + q.id;
if (TotalSproccounter == proc_num)
Console.WriteLine("Safe allocation < {0} >", safelead);
Console.WriteLine("Deadlock reached/unsafe allocation : < {0} >", safelead);
//compares the number of resources needed against the number of resources available
public static Boolean isprocessSafe(int n, SysProcess p, IDictionary<String, int> avail)
int safecount = 0;
foreach (String resourcekey in avail.Keys)
if (p.need_resources.ContainsKey(resourcekey) && p.need_resources[resourcekey] <= avail[resourcekey])
if (safecount == n)
return true;
return false;
//compares the number of resources needed against the number of resources available
public static void update_availsum(int n, SysProcess p, ref Dictionary<String, int> _currentavailsum)
foreach (String resourcekey in _currentavailsum.Keys)
if (p.need_resources.ContainsKey(resourcekey))
_currentavailsum[resourcekey] += p.need_resources[resourcekey];
//container class for processes
public class SysProcess
public String id { get; set; }
Dictionary<String, int> _max_resources = null; // will hold the Resource name and the the number of resources
Dictionary<String, int> _alloc_resources = null;//allocated resources
Dictionary<String, int> _need_resources = null;//allocated resources
public Dictionary<String, int> max_resources
{ return _max_resources; }
public Dictionary<String, int> alloc_resources
return _alloc_resources;
public Dictionary<String, int> need_resources
return _need_resources;
public SysProcess(String procID)
_max_resources = new Dictionary<String, int>();
_alloc_resources = new Dictionary<String, int>();
id = procID;
public void Add_max_resource(String resource, int count)
_max_resources.Add(resource, count);
public void add_alloc_resource(String resource, int count)
_alloc_resources.Add(resource, count);
_need_resources.Add(resource, _max_resources[resource] - alloc_resources[resource]);
public void print_needed()
foreach (int s in _need_resources.Values)
Console.Write(" {0}", s);
Вероятно, это хорошая идея добавить весь код здесь, так как я до сих пор не могу понять это. Пожалуйста, помогите