Как описано в формуле уровня обучения Флеша-Кинкейда:
вам нужно считать слова, предложения и слоги.Слог, пожалуй, самый хитрый, хотя предложения также требуют некоторого обдумывания.
Вот два перевода кода других людей для подсчета слогов на F # (то есть .NET, вы можете создать проект F # в Visual Studio изатем ссылка на этот проект из вашего проекта C #).Я провел базовые, но не обширные тесты этого.
Я считаю, что Ipeirotis дает лучшие результаты в некоторых моих тестовых случаях (после добавления списка проблемных слов), чем Child.Мои тестовые слова:
let testWords = [|"abalone";"gracious";"atheism";"unaware"; "seaside";"underwater";"wonderwoman";"biology"|]
Код ребенка, в частности, имеет проблему с концом списка.Изменение порядка регулярных выражений с самого длинного аффикса на самое короткое, похоже, не решает проблему.
Мой перевод:
module Readability
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
//for syllables
let SyllableCount2 (word:string) =
let SubSyl = [| "cial"; "tia"; "cius"; "cious"; "giu"; "ion"; "iou"; "sia$"; ".ely$" |]
let AddSyl = [| "ia"; "riet"; "dien"; "iu"; "io"; "ii"; "[aeiouym]bl$"; "[aeiou]{3}"; "^mc"; "ism$"; "[^aeiouy][^aeiouy]l$"; "[^l]lien"; "^coa[dglx]."; "[^gq]ua[^auieo]"; "dnt$" |]
let mutable tempWord = word.ToLower()
tempWord <- tempWord.Replace("'", " ")
if problemWordMap.ContainsKey( word ) then
else if tempWord = "i" || tempWord = "a" then
if tempWord.EndsWith("e") then
tempWord <- tempWord.Substring(0, tempWord.Length - 1)
let phonems = Regex.Split(tempWord, "[^aeiouy]+")
let mutable syl = 0;
for i = 0 to SubSyl.Length - 1 do
let syllabe = SubSyl.[i];
if Regex.IsMatch( tempWord, syllabe) then
syl <- syl - 1
for i = 0 to AddSyl.Length - 1 do
let syllabe = AddSyl.[i];
if Regex.IsMatch( tempWord, syllabe) then
syl <- syl + 1
if tempWord.Length = 1 then
syl <- syl + 1
for i = 0 to phonems.Length - 1 do
if phonems.[i].Length > 0 then
syl <- syl + 1
if syl = 0 then
syl <- 1
// return
let problemWordMap =
("abalone", 4);
("abare", 3);
("abed" , 2);
("abruzzese", 4);
("abbruzzese" , 4);
("aborigine", 5);
("aborigines", 5); //andrew plural (ap)
("acreage", 3);
("acreage", 3); //ap
("adame", 3);
("adieu", 2);
("adobe", 3);
("anemone", 4);
("anemones", 4); //ap
("apache" , 3);
("apaches" , 3); //ap
("aphrodite", 4);
("apostrophe" , 4);
("apostrophes" , 4); //ap
("ariadne", 4);
("cafe" , 2);
("cafes" , 2); //ap
("calliope" , 4);
("catastrophe", 4);
("catastrophes", 4); //ap
("chile", 2);
("chiles", 2); //ap
("chloe", 2);
("circe", 2);
("coyote" , 3);
("coyotes" , 3); //ap
("epitome", 4);
("forever", 3);
("gethsemane" , 4);
("guacamole", 4);
("guacamoles", 4); //ap
("hyperbole", 4);
("hyperboles", 4); //ap
("jesse", 2);
("jukebox", 2);
("jukeboxes", 2); //ap
("karate" , 3);
("karates" , 3); //ap
("machete", 3);
("maybe", 2);
("people" , 2);
("recipe" , 3);
("sesame" , 3);
("shoreline", 2);
("simile" , 3);
("machetes", 3); //ap
("maybes", 2);//ap
("peoples" , 2);//ap
("recipes" , 3);//ap
("sesames" , 3);//ap
("shorelines", 2);//ap
("similes" , 3);//ap
("syncope", 3);
("tamale" , 3);
("tamales" , 3); //ap
("yosemite" , 4);
("daphne" , 2);
("eurydice" , 4);
("euterpe", 3);
("hermione" , 4);
("penelope" , 4);
("persephone" , 4);
("phoebe" , 2);
("zoe", 2);
// These syllables would be counted as two but should be one
let oneSyllableCorrection =
"cia(l|$)"; // glacial, acacia
//"^[dr]e[aeiou][^aeiou]+$"; // Sorts out deal, deign etc
//"[aeiouy]rse$"; // Purse, hearse
//"nne[ds]?$"; // canadienne
"uai"; // acquainted
"eau"; // champeau
//"pagne[ds]?$"; // champagne
// The following detects words ending with a soft e ending. Don";t
// mess with it unless you absolutely have to! The following
// is a list of words you can use to test a new version of
// this rule (add ";r";, ";s"; and ";d"; where possible to test
// fully):
// - absolve
// - acquiesce
// - audience
// - ache
// - acquire
// - brunelle
// - byrne
// - canadienne
// - coughed
// - curved
// - champagne
// - designate
// - force
// - lace
// - late
// - lathe
// - make
// - relayed
// - scrounge
// - side
// - sideline
// - some
// - wide
// - taste
// For soft e endings with a "d". Test words:
// - crunched
// - forced
// - hated
// - sided
// - sidelined
// - unexploded
// - unexplored
// - scrounged
// - squelched
// - forced
// For soft e endings with a "s". Test words:
// - absences
// - accomplices
// - acknowledges
// - advantages
// - byrnes
// - crunches
// - forces
// - scrounges
// - squelches
|] |> String.concat("|") |> Regex
// These syllables would be counted as one but should be two
let twoSyllableCorrection =
"dien"; // audience
"real"; // real, cereal
"[^aeiou]y[ae]"; // bryan, byerley
"gean$"; // aegean
"uen"; // influence, affluence
|] |> String.concat("|") |> Regex
// Single syllable prefixes and suffixes
let oneSyllableAffix =
|] |> String.concat("|") |> Regex
// Double syllable prefixes and suffixes
let twoSyllableAffix =
|] |> String.concat("|") |> Regex
// Triple syllable prefixes and suffixes
let threeSyllableAffix =
|] |> String.concat("|") |> Regex
/// <summary>
/// For each match in pattern, replace match with empty string in input word,
/// returning bare word and # matches
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pattern"></param>
/// <param name="word"></param>
let RegexReplace (regex:Regex) word =
//let affixReplace = new Regex( pattern )
let matches = regex.Matches(word)
let mutable bareWord = word
for aMatch in matches do
bareWord <- bareWord.Replace(aMatch.Value,"")
bareWord, matches.Count //need to exclude a group?
let CountMatches (regex:Regex) word =
//let regex = new Regex( pattern )
let matches = regex.Matches(word)
/// <summary>
/// Counts syllables in word. Assumes word has already been "cleaned"
/// </summary>
/// <param name="word"></param>
let SyllableCount( word : string) =
if problemWordMap.ContainsKey( word ) then
//remove and count affixes
let wordMinus1Affix, oneAffixCount = RegexReplace oneSyllableAffix word
let wordMinus2Affix, twoAffixCount = RegexReplace twoSyllableAffix wordMinus1Affix
let wordMinus3Affix, threeAffixCount = RegexReplace threeSyllableAffix wordMinus2Affix
//count word parts
let vowelSplit = Regex.Split(wordMinus3Affix, "[^aeiouy]")
let mutable wordPartCount = 0
for wordPart in vowelSplit do
if wordPart.Length > 0 then
wordPartCount <- wordPartCount + 1
//base syllable count
let mutable baseSyllableCount = oneAffixCount + twoAffixCount + threeAffixCount + wordPartCount
//handle degenerate cases
let oneSyllableCorrectionCount = CountMatches oneSyllableCorrection word //count two as one: subtract
let twoSyllableCorrectionCount = CountMatches twoSyllableCorrection word //count one as two: add
baseSyllableCount <- baseSyllableCount - oneSyllableCorrectionCount + twoSyllableCorrectionCount
//we always have 1 syllable in a word
if baseSyllableCount > 0 then
Для обработки подсчета предложений я использовал пакет nuget для анализатора Stanfordсоздал эту обертку:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using edu.stanford.nlp.process;
using edu.stanford.nlp.util;
namespace StanfordWrapper
public class SentenceTokenizer
public static readonly TokenizerFactory TokenizerFactory = PTBTokenizer.factory(new CoreLabelTokenFactory(),
public static List<string> Go( string input )
java.io.Reader reader = new java.io.StringReader(input);
DocumentPreprocessor dp = new DocumentPreprocessor(reader);
List<string> output = new List<string>();
foreach (java.util.List sentence in dp)
return output;
Обертка полезна, потому что парсер находится в Java.Nuget использует IKVMC, чтобы сделать его доступным для .NET.
Наконец, для подсчета слов я использую некоторый код для очистки / токенизации:
module TextNormalizer
open System;
open System.Collections.Generic;
open System.Linq;
open System.Text.RegularExpressions;
let spaceRegex = new Regex(@"\s+");
let normalizeTextRegexStrict = new Regex( String.Join("|", [| @"[^\w\s]"; @"[0-9]+"; "_" |]), RegexOptions.Compiled);
let normalizeTextRegexApostrophe = new Regex( String.Join("|", [| @"[^'\w\s]"; @"[0-9]+"; "_" |]), RegexOptions.Compiled);
/// <summary>
/// Replaces all punctuation with whitspace, apostrophe optional. Will return string matching original text with punctuation
/// removed, text lowercased, and words evenly delimited with whitespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="normedLine"></param>
/// <param name="removeApostrophe"></param>
let Normalize( normedLine ) ( removeApostrophe ) =
let normedLine =
if removeApostrophe then
normalizeTextRegexStrict.Replace(normedLine, " "); // replace all punctuation with whitespace
normalizeTextRegexApostrophe.Replace(normedLine, " "); // replace all except apostrophe with whitespace
spaceRegex.Replace( normedLine, " " ) // reduce continguous whitespace to a single space
.Trim() // get rid of any whitespace on ends
.ToLower(); // lowercase whole thing
Со всеми этими вещами это легковычислить FK:
let FleshKincaidGradeLevel( text ) =
let sentences = StanfordWrapper.SentenceTokenizer.Go( text ) |> Seq.toArray
let words = sentences |> Array.map( fun x -> TextNormalizer.Normalize x false ) |> Array.collect( fun x -> x.Split( ' ' ))
let syllableCount = words |> Array.map SyllableCount2 |> Array.sum
//FKGL formula: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch%E2%80%93Kincaid_readability_tests
( 0.39 * ( float words.Length) / (float sentences.Length ) ) + ( 11.8 * (float syllableCount ) / ( float words.Length) ) - 15.59