Есть несколько проблем, с которыми я сталкиваюсь: во-первых, как определить, где находится конец каждой синусоиды (то есть частота), а во-вторых, как повернуть каждый из них.объект так, что он скользит вбок вдоль синусоиды
(файл заметки 800 x 600)
вот мой код: CarouselTest.as:
import com.greensock.easing.Sine;
import com.greensock.TweenMax;
import com.components.CarouselItem;
import com.theflashblog.fp10.SimpleZSorter;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;
import uk.co.thereceptacle.utils.Trig;
public class CarouselTest extends Sprite
public static const SPACING : int = 20;
public static const XSPACING: int = SPACING * 5;
public static const SPEED : Number = .05;
public static const XSPEED : Number = 800 / 360 * 2;
public static const RADIUS : int = 400;
private var _items:Array;
private var _container:Sprite;
private var _movePerItem:Number;
private var _noOfItems:int;
public function CarouselTest()
_items = new Array();
_noOfItems = 200;
_movePerItem = 360 / _noOfItems; // my attempt at finding how much each item must move in order to bring it to the front
_container = new Sprite();
_container.x = 400;
_container.y = 300;
_container.z = 200;
var item:CarouselItem = new CarouselItem();
for (var i:int = 0; i < _noOfItems; i++)
item = new CarouselItem();
item.radius = RADIUS;
item.angle = (i * SPACING) % 360;
item.x = i * XSPACING - 300;
item.speed = SPEED;
moveItems(-1 * _movePerItem);
private function moveItems(direction:int):void
TweenMax.allTo(_items, 5, { angle:direction.toString(), x:(direction * XSPACING).toString(), ease:Sine.easeInOut } );
TweenMax.to(this, 5, { onUpdate:SimpleZSorter.sortClips, onUpdateParams:[_container] } );
package com.components
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import uk.co.thereceptacle.components.HTMLTextField;
import uk.co.thereceptacle.utils.Trig;
public class CarouselItem extends Sprite
private var _angle : Number;
private var _prevX : Number;
private var _prevZ : Number;
public var speed : int;
public var radius : Number;
public function CarouselItem()
graphics.drawRect( -100, -150, 200, 300);
var tf:TextField = new HTMLTextField();
tf.embedFonts = false;
tf.wordWrap = false;
tf.htmlText = "<p>THIS IS A TEST</p>";
tf.x = -100;
tf.y = -tf.textHeight / 2;
public function get angle():Number { return _angle; }
public function set angle(value:Number):void
_angle = value;
z = Math.sin(angle) * radius;
var deltaX:Number = x - _prevX;
var deltaZ:Number = z - _prevZ;
var rotate:Number = Trig.radiansToDegrees(Math.atan2(deltaZ, deltaX));
rotationY = rotate; <strike>// this is getting close but always rotates the item away from the center and i need it to rotate towards the center on the positive side of the sine wave</strike>
// edit: i've updated this as it's much closer but still flaky - it feels like i haven't done it right
override public function set x(value:Number):void
_prevX = x;
super.x = value;
override public function set z(value:Number):void
_prevZ = z;
super.z = value;
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