Я использую attachMovie для последовательного вызова видеоклипов на сцене.Я использую кнопку «вперед», чтобы скользить по ним в прогрессии, но когда я хочу вернуться в том же порядке, все портится.Вы можете увидеть, как играет SWF,
Я пронумеровал каждый кадр, чтобы вы могли видеть, что при нажатии на кнопку «Назад» он испортился.
// Each of the button functions here call the add_page() function and
// pass the Identifier of the page that they will display
b_0.onRelease = function() {
next_page( "Video1A_" + page_count);
b_1.onRelease = function() {
prev_page( "Video1A_" + page_count);
// This function manages the page clips that are attached to content_mc.
// The variable page_count is used to make sure that each page gets a unique
// name and depth. It also gives us a way to get the instance name of the
// last page clip that was created.
var page_count = 1;
// The add_page() function takes the Linkage identifier of the new page to be
// created as a parameter.
function next_page( next_page ) {
// Make the name of the last page attached
var old_page = content_mc[ "Video1A_" + page_count ];
// If that page exists remove it by sliding off out of the visible area.
if ( old_page != undefined ) {
old_page.slideTo( '-600', '0', 1, '', 0, old_page + '.removeMovieClip()' );
// Up page count by 1
page_count ++;
// Attach the new page to content_mc
var new_page = content_mc.attachMovie( next_page, "Video1A_" + page_count, page_count );
// Position the new page below the visible area
new_page._x = 600;
// slide the new page into the visible area.
new_page.slideTo( '-600', 0, 2 );
// The add_page() function takes the Linkage identifier of the new page to be
// created as a parameter.
function prev_page( next_page ) {
// Make the name of the last page attached
var old_page = content_mc[ "Video1A_" + page_count ];
// If that page exists remove it by sliding off out of the visible area.
if ( old_page != undefined ) {
old_page.slideTo( '600', '0', 2, '', 0, old_page + '.removeMovieClip()' );
// Up page count by 1
page_count --;
// Attach the new page to content_mc
var new_page = content_mc.attachMovie( next_page, "Video1A_" + page_count, page_count );
// Position the new page below the visible area
new_page._x = -600;
// slide the new page into the visible area.
new_page.slideTo( '600', 0, 2 );