Я пытаюсь получить данные в Powerpoint Graph из Excel с использованием VBA (вставка данных в таблицу данных, которая находится за объектом Powerpoint Graph).
Я использую этот код в качестве примера (source ):
'Code by Mahipal Padigela
'Open Microsoft Powerpoint,Choose/Insert a Graph type Slide(No.8), then double click to add a graph and click...
'...outside the graph to close the Datasheet, then rename the Graph to "Mychart",Save and Close the Presentation
'Open Microsoft Excel, add some test data to Sheet1(This example assumes that you have some test data...
'...(numbers between 0-100) in Rows 2,3,4 and Columns B,C,D,E).
'Open VBA editor(Alt+F11),Insert a Module and Paste the following code in to the code window
'Reference 'Microsoft Powerpoint Object Library' (VBA IDE-->tools-->references)
'Reference 'Microsoft Graph Object Library' (VBA IDE-->tools-->references)
'Change "strPresPath" with full path of the Powerpoint Presentation created earlier.
'Change "strNewPresPath" to where you want to save the new Presnetation to be created later
'Close VB Editor and run this Macro from Excel window(Alt+F8)
Dim oPPTApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim oPPTShape As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim oPPTFile As PowerPoint.Presentation
Public oGraph As Graph.Chart
Dim SlideNum As Integer
Sub PPGraphMacro()
Dim strPresPath As String, strExcelFilePath As String, strNewPresPath As String
strPresPath = "H:\PowerPoint\Presentation1.ppt"
strNewPresPath = "H:\PowerPoint\New1.ppt"
Set oPPTApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
oPPTApp.Visible = msoTrue
Set oPPTFile = oPPTApp.Presentations.Open(strPresPath)
SlideNum = 1
Set oPPTShape = oPPTFile.Slides(SlideNum).Shapes("Mychart")
Set oGraph = oPPTShape.OLEFormat.Object
oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("A1").Value = Cells(2, 2).Value
oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("A2").Value = Cells(3, 2).Value
oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("A3").Value = Cells(4, 2).Value
oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("B1").Value = Cells(2, 3).Value
oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("B2").Value = Cells(3, 3).Value
oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("B3").Value = Cells(4, 3).Value
oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("C1").Value = Cells(2, 4).Value
oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("C2").Value = Cells(3, 4).Value
oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("C3").Value = Cells(4, 4).Value
oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("D1").Value = Cells(2, 5).Value
oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("D2").Value = Cells(3, 5).Value
oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("D3").Value = Cells(4, 5).Value
oPPTFile.SaveAs strNewPresPath
Set oGraph = Nothing
Set oPPTShape = Nothing
Set oPPTFile = Nothing
Set oPPTApp = Nothing
MsgBox "Presentation Created", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
End Sub
Когда я запускаю это, PPT открывается очень хорошо, и код останавливается на:
Set oGraph = oPPTShape.OLEFormat.Object
с сообщением об ошибке "OLEFormat (неизвестный член): Неверный запрос. Это свойство применяется только к объектам OLE. "
Я использую Excel и PowerPoint 2010.
Что я делаю неправильно?Я довольно новичок во всем этом, поэтому я предполагаю, что это что-то простое.
/ Джимми