Я пытаюсь написать функцию проверки, которая проверяет, существует ли добавляемая запись в наборе данных.
Но поиск не находит ее - я могу просто продолжать вводить ту же самуюназначение в базу данных.
Если кто-нибудь может определить, почему мой код не работает, я был бы признателен за помощь.
Public Function checkNewLocationRecordIsUnique As Boolean
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim w As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim selectView As NotesView
Dim key(0 To 4) As Variant
Dim entry As NotesViewEntry
Dim entryIsNotUniqueMsg As String
Let entryIsNotUniqueMsg = "There is already an entry for this date/time. Please modify your entry's details or cancel the existing entry to continue."
Dim thisDoc As NotesDocument
Dim uiDoc As NotesUIDocument
Set uidoc = w.CurrentDocument
Set thisDoc = uidoc.Document
'get handle to database and check we've found the database
Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
If Not db Is Nothing Then
'get handle to view to lookup field combination in
Set selectView = db.GetView("allLocationRecordsByName")
Call selectView.Refresh()
If Not selectView Is Nothing Then
'populate "key" - an array of variants - with fields to use as match criteria
key(0) = thisDoc.PersonName
key(1) = thisDoc.StartDate
key(2) = thisDoc.EndDate
key(3) = thisDoc.StartTime
key(4) = thisDoc.EndTime
Set entry = selectView.GetEntryByKey(thisDoc.key, True)
'lookup the combination in the view to see if it already exists
If entry Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No conflicting entry found! Record added.", 0, "Notice"
'if it wasn't found then the record is unique so return true
checkNewLocationRecordIsUnique = True
'else the combination was found - but lets make sure that it's not this one
'(this could happen if the user is editing an existing record)
'compare uids of both thisDoc and the doc entry that was found
If entry.document.UniversalID = thisDoc.UniversalID Then
checkNewLocationRecordIsUnique = True
MsgBox "An Entry Was Found, But It Was The Entry! Record added.", 0, "Notice"
'else it WAS found as a separate document so the function returns false
MsgBox entryIsNotUniqueMsg, 0, "Error: Entry Is Not Unique"
checkNewLocationRecordIsUnique = False
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Function