Согласно предложению, данному при редактировании этого комментария. : -)
Установка RVM в автономном режиме:
- Download the rvm tarball:
curl -sSL https://github.com/rvm/rvm/tarball/stable -o rvm-stable.tar.gz
- Create and enter rvm directory:
mkdir rvm && cd rvm
- Unpack the tar file :
tar --strip-components=1 -xzf ../rvm-stable.tar.gz
- Install rvm:
./install --auto-dotfiles
use --help to get the options
- Load rvm:
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
Скачать Ruby, rubygems и yaml:
- Download ruby
o Find tar.bz2 version at:
https://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/ (check sub-directories)
o Download with curl: :
curl -sSL https://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/ruby-2.2.0.tar.bz2 -o ruby-2.2.0.tar.bz2
o Make sure you are downloading with the extension " .tar.bz2 "
- Download rubygems
o Find version at:
o Download with curl:
curl -sSL http://production.cf.rubygems.org/rubygems/rubygems-2.4.6.tgz -o rubygems-2.4.6.tgz
Установить зависимости:
- Disable automatic dependencies ("requirements") fetching using the following command.
rvm autolibs read-fail
- Manually download and install dependencies
o Get the list of dependencies using
rvm requirements
Установка Ruby:
Clean default gems:
echo "" > ~/.rvm/gemsets/default.gems
Clean global gems:
echo "" > ~/.rvm/gemsets/global.gems
Install Ruby:
rvm install 2.2.0 --rubygems 2.4.6 (this may require sudo password for autolibs)
Install any other Ruby versions you want similarly
Set default Ruby version: rvm use 2.2.0 --default
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Рубин и другие пакеты должны быть помещены в каталог "$ rvm_path / archives /".
Установка драгоценных камней:
There are multiple ways to install gems, we can download the gem files,
but the best way seems to be Bundler: http://bundler.io/bundle_package.html
Пример установки rails gem:
Create a directory:
mkdir gems; cd gems
Unpack gems:
tar xzf gems.tgz
Install bundler:
gem install bundler-1.8.3.gem
[ This needs internet, to avoid internet connection you need to install bundler gem using --local option with the bundler.x.x.gem file ]
Install gems:
bundle install --local
rvm implode --force
Then remove rvm from following locations:
rm -rf /usr/local/rvm
sudo rm /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
sudo rm /etc/rvmrc
sudo rm ~/.rvmrc
Check the following files and remove or comment out references to rvm
Comment-out / Remove the following lines from /etc/profile
source /etc/profile.d/sm.sh
source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
/etc/profile is a readonly file so use
sudo vim /etc/profile
Вы также можете найти способ установки здесь ...
Ссылка: https://github.com/rvm/rvm-site/blob/master/content/rvm/offline.md