Редактировать: я исправил несколько вещей, которые были указаны, но реальная проблема остается нерешенной.
Этот скрипт bash:
set -vx
/usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2 -ansi -g -o mytest mytest.c
ls -l mytest
file mytest
производит такой вывод:
/usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2 -ansi -g -o mytest mytest.c
++ /usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2 -ansi -g -o mytest mytest.c
ls -l mytest
++ ls -l mytest
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jimslager wheel 37496 May 27 17:26 mytest
++ ./mytest
error: unknown command ./mytest
file mytest
++ file mytest
mytest: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
Я извлек это из чего-то большего, чем пользуюсь несколько месяцев, но никогда не видел такого результата.Как gcc может создать объект без ошибок или предупреждений, но объект неизвестен?
Я опубликую test.c, если кто-то спросит, но он длинный и мой вопрос кажется мне независимым от того, что находится в тесте.c.
Редактировать: вот код.Извините, что так долго.
/* Test Exercise 5-10: Write the program myexpr, which evaluates a reverse Polish expression from the command line, where each operator or operand is a separate argument. For example,
* expr 2 3 4 + *
* evaluates 2 x (3+4).
* */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXLINE 68
#define TABSIZE 8
#define TAB '`'
#define SPACE '-'
#define NEW '\\'
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define IN 1
#define OUT 0
#define FOLDLENGTH 20
#define MAXLEN 12
#define SMALLER(i, j) ((i) > (j) ? (j) : (i))
#define N(c) (c=='\0' ? '\\' : c)
/* #include "subs.c" */
#define MAXOP 100 /* max size of operand or operator */
#define NUMBER '0' /* signal that a number was found */
int getop(char []);
void push(double);
double pop(void);
double top(void);
void dup(void);
void clear(void);
void stackswap(void);
double atof(char s[]);
int myisdigit(char c);
int myisspace(char c);
/* reverse Polish calculator */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int type;
double op2;
char s[MAXOP];
while (--argc>0)
while (type = getop(&(*++argv[0])))
printf("Just after while: type = %d, *argv[0] = %s\n", type, *argv);
switch (type) {
case NUMBER:
printf("NUMBER: atof(*argv[0]) = %g, *argv[0] = %s\n", atof(*argv), *argv);
case '+':
printf("+ detected\n");
push(pop() + pop());
case '*':
printf("* detected\n");
push(pop() * pop());
case '-':
printf("- detected\n");
op2 = pop();
push(pop() - op2);
case '/':
printf("/ detected\n");
op2 = pop();
if (op2 != 0.0)
push(pop() / op2);
printf("error: zero divisor\n");
case '%':
printf("Modulo detected\n");
op2 = pop();
if (op2 != 0.0)
push((int) pop() % (int) op2);
printf("error: zero divisor\n");
case 't':
printf("t detected\n");
printf("%g\n", top());
case 'd':
printf("d detected\n");
case 's':
printf("s detected\n");
case 'c':
printf("c detected\n");
case '\n':
printf("\\n detected\n");
printf("\t%.8g\n", pop());
printf("error: unknown command %s\n", *argv);
return 0;
#define MAXVAL 100 /* maximum depth of val stack */
int sp = 0; /* next free stack position */
double val[MAXVAL]; /* value stack */
/* push: push f onto value stack */
void push(double f)
printf("push: Started. f = %g, sp = %d\n", f, sp);
if (sp < MAXVAL)
val[sp++] = f;
printf("error: stack full, can't push %g\n", f);
printf("push: Finished. f = %g, sp = %d\n", f, sp);
/* dup: duplicate top of stack */
void dup(void)
printf("dup: Started. top = %g, sp = %d\n", top(), sp);
printf("dup: Finished. top = %g, sp = %d\n", top(), sp);
/* pop: pop and return top value from stack */
double pop(void)
printf("pop: sp = %d, val[--sp] = %g\n", sp, val[sp-1]);
if (sp > 0)
return val[--sp];
else {
printf("error: stack empty\n");
return 0.0;
/* top: return top value from stack without changing sp */
double top(void)
printf("top: sp = %d, val[0] = %g\n", sp, val[0]);
if (sp > 0)
return val[sp-1];
else {
printf("error: stack empty\n");
return 0.0;
/* stackswap: swap the top 2 values in stack */
void stackswap(void)
printf("Starting stackswap: val[sp-1] = %g, val[sp-2] = %g\n", val[sp-1], val[sp-2]);
double op2, op3;
op2 = pop();
op3 = pop();
printf("Finishing stackswap: val[sp-1] = %g, val[sp-2] = %g\n", val[sp-1], val[sp-2]);
/* clear: clear the stack */
void clear(void)
sp = 0;
int getch(void);
void ungetch(int);
/* getop: get next character or numeric operand */
int getop(char s[])
int i, c;
while ((s[0] = c = getch()) == ' ' || c == '\t')
s[1] = '\0';
if (!isdigit(c) && c != '.')
return c; /* not a number */
i = 0;
if (isdigit(c)) /* collect integer part */
while (isdigit(s[++i] = c = getch()))
if (c=='.') /* collect fraction part */
while (isdigit(s[++i] = c = getch())) ;
s[i] = '\0';
if (c != EOF)
return NUMBER;
#define BUFSIZE 100
char buf[BUFSIZE]; /* buffer for ungetch */
int bufp = 0; /* next free position in buf */
int getch(void) /* get a (possibly pushed-back) character */
return (bufp > 0) ? buf[--bufp] : getchar();
void ungetch(int c) /* push character back on input */
if (bufp >= BUFSIZE)
printf("ungetch: too many characters\n");
buf[bufp++] = c;
/* atof: convert s to double */
double atof(char s[])
double val, power, epower, d;
int i, j, sign, esign=0, eval;
printf("atof: s = %s\n", s);
for (i = 0; myisspace(s[i]); i++); /* skip white space */
sign = (s[i] == '-') ? -1 : 1; /* Determine sign and strip it */
if (s[i] == '+' || s[i] == '-')
for (val = 0.0; myisdigit(s[i]); i++) /* Determine value before dec point */
val = 10.0 * val + (s[i] - '0');
if (s[i] == '.')
for (power = 1.0; myisdigit(s[i]); i++) { /* include value after dec */
val = 10.0 * val + (s[i] - '0');
power *= 10; /* power is where . goes */
if (s[i]=='e' || s[i]=='E') { /* Exponential form */
esign = (s[++i]=='-') ? -1 : 1; /* Sign of exponent */
if (s[i]=='+' || s[i]=='-')
for (epower=0.1, eval=0.0; myisdigit(s[i]); i++) { /* Determine exponent */
eval = 10*eval + (s[i]-'0');
epower *= 10;
d = (sign*val / power); /* Place dec point in mantissa */
if (esign!=0) { /* If exp form then adjust exponent */
for (j=1; j<=eval; j++) {
d = (esign==1 ? d*10.0 : d/10.0);
return (d);
/* Determine is c is a digit */
int myisdigit(char c)
if (c>='0' && c<='9')
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Returns 1 if c is whitespace, 0 otherwise */
int myisspace(char c)
return ((c==' ' || c=='\n' || c=='\t') ? 1 : 0);