У меня есть следующая структура:
public struct TCurve
public int fNumItems; /* Number of TRatePts in fArray */
public IntPtr fArray; /* Dates & rates */ // pointer to an array of TRatePt[]
public long fBaseDate; /* Discount date */
public double fBasis; //ZERO_CURVE_BASIS in capvoll.c which is #defined as ANNUAL_BASIS 1 /* Number compounding periods / year */
public long fDayCountConv; //ZERO_CURVE_DAY_COUNT_CONV in capvoll.c which is #defined as GTO_ACT_365F; = 2L /* How the year fraction is computed */
public IntPtr fClassHandle; /* C++ class handle implementation */
public struct TRatePt
public long fDate;
public double fRate;
TRatePt определяется следующим образом:
[DllImport("alib.dll", EntryPoint = "GtoCapFloorAvgVol")]
public static extern int CapFloorAvgVol(
long capStartDate, /* (I) */
long capExpiryDate, /* (I) */
double[] strikeRates, /* (I) */
int numStrikeRates, /* (I) */
double[] principles, /* (I) */
int numPrinciples, /* (I) */
int moneymarketDen, /* (I) # days/year */
ref TDateInterval resetPeriod, /* (I) Time Between caplets */
int optionType, /* (I) Cap or Floor */
char stubPosition, /* (I) 2/16/94 GG 'F'ront or 'B'ack */
[In] IntPtr zeroCurve, /* (I) For discounting Pointer to TCurve*/
double price, /* (I) Price */
double avgVolGuess, /* (I) Average Volatility guess */
out double avgVol); /* (O) Average Volatility */
Декларация C:
GTO_EXPORT(int ) GtoCapFloorAvgVol(
TDate capStartDate, /* (I) */
TDate capExpiryDate, /* (I) */
double *strikeRates, /* (I) */
int numStrikeRates, /* (I) */
double *principles, /* (I) */
int numPrinciples, /* (I) */
int moneymarketDen, /* (I) # days/year */
TDateInterval *resetPeriod, /* (I) Time Between caplets */
int optionType, /* (I) Cap or Floor */
char stubPosition, /* (I) 2/16/94 GG 'F'ront or 'B'ack */
TCurve *zeroCurve, /* (I) For discounting */
double price, /* (I) Price */
double avgVolGuess, /* (I) Average Volatility guess */
double *avgVol) /* (O) Average Volatility */
Заранее спасибо!
Хорошо, вот структуры C:
typedef struct _TCurve{
int fNumItems; /* Number of TRatePts in fArray */
TRatePt *fArray; /* Dates & rates */
TDate fBaseDate; /* Discount date */
double fBasis; /* Number compounding periods / year */
long fDayCountConv; /* How the year fraction is computed */
void *fClassHandle; /* C++ class handle implementation */ } TCurve;
typedef struct{
TDate fDate;
double fRate;} TRatePt;
Кстати, если вы знаете, как обращаться с пустотой * помощь будет приветствоваться ...
PS: TDate - это просто
typedef long int TDate;
А вот как я это использую:
TCurve _zeroCurve = new TCurve()
fBaseDate = _tempValueDate,
fNumItems = _ratePoints.Length,
fBasis = 2L,
fDayCountConv = 1
int _sizeOfTCurve = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TCurve));
IntPtr p_zeroCurve = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(_sizeOfTCurve);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(_zeroCurve, p_zeroCurve, false);
int _status;
_zeroCurve.fArray = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(_ratePoints.Length * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TRatePt)));
IntPtr _ratePt = _zeroCurve.fArray;
for (int _i = 0; _i < _ratePoints.Length; _i++)
Marshal.StructureToPtr(_ratePoints[_i], _ratePt, false);
//_ratePt = new IntPtr(_ratePt.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TRatePt)));
IntPtr _nextRatePt = new IntPtr(_ratePt.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TRatePt)));
_ratePt = _nextRatePt;
//_ratePt += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TRatePt));
_status = CapFloorAvgVol(_tempStartDate, _temPexpiryDate, strikeRates, strikeRates.Length, principles, principles.Length, moneymarketDen,
ref _resetPeriod, optionType, stubPosition, p_zeroCurve, price, avgVolGuess, out avgVol);
p_zeroCurve = IntPtr.Zero;