Было получено несколько запросов на ответ на этот вопрос, поэтому я предоставляю ответ, который Энди Мехиа, часть моей команды, в конце концов пришел для ответа на этот вопрос. Мы использовали источник в колдовстве, чтобы адаптировать следующие функции:
# Returns the hash that contains the information that was passed back from Facebook.
# It only makes sense to call this method on the callback action.
# Example hash:
# {:user_info=>{:id=>"562515238", :name=>"Andrés Mejía-Posada", :first_name=>"Andrés", :last_name=>"Mejía-Posada", :link=>"http://www.facebook.com/andmej", :username=>"andmej", :gender=>"male", :email=>"andmej@gmail.com", :timezone=>-5, :locale=>"en_US", :verified=>true, :updated_time=>"2011-12-31T21:39:24+0000"}, :uid=>"562515238"}
def get_facebook_hash
provider = Rails.application.config.sorcery.facebook
access_token = provider.process_callback(params, session)
hash = provider.get_user_hash
hash.merge!(:access_token => access_token.token)
hash.each { |k, v| v.symbolize_keys! if v.is_a?(Hash) }
# Method added to the User Account model class
def update_attributes_from_facebook!(facebook_hash)
self.first_name = facebook_hash[:user_info][:first_name] if self.first_name.blank?
self.last_name = facebook_hash[:user_info][:last_name] if self.last_name.blank?
self.facebook_access_token = facebook_hash[:access_token]
self.email ||= facebook_hash[:user_info][:email]
unless facebook_authentication?
authentications.create!(:provider => "facebook", :uid => facebook_hash[:uid])
self.build_facebook_profile if facebook_profile.blank?
self.facebook_profile.delay.fetch_from_facebook! # Get API data
Чтобы показать этот код в контексте, я также включил логику из нашего контроллера:
def callback
provider = params[:provider]
old_session = session.clone # The session gets reset when we login, so let's backup the data we need
if @user = login_from(provider) # User had already logged in through Facebook before
restore_session(old_session) # Cleared during login
# If there's already an user with this email, just hook this Facebook account into it.
@user = UserAccount.with_insensitive_email(get_facebook_hash[:user_info][:email]).first
# If there's no existing user, let's create a new account from scratch.
@user ||= create_from(provider) # Be careful, validation is turned off because Sorcery is a bitch!
rescue ::OAuth2::Error => e
p e
puts e.message
puts e.backtrace
redirect_to after_login_url_for(@user), :alert => "Failed to login from #{provider.titleize}!"
redirect_to after_login_url_for(@user)
Надеюсь, это решение поможет другим.