с некоторыми улучшениями, чтобы избежать плохих переводов и т. Д. Или с английского на английский.- http://jsfiddle.net/F248G/3/
// Set the original/default language
var lang = "en";
var currentClass = "currentLang";
// Load the language lib
google.load("language", 1);
// When the DOM is ready....
window.addEvent("domready", function() {
// Retrieve the DIV to be translated.
var translateDiv = document.id("languageBlock");
// Define a function to switch from the currentlanguage to another
var callback = function(result) {
if (result.translation) {
translateDiv.set("html", result.translation);
// is language set? if so, auto translate
(function() {
// to avoid "lost in translation" on stacking up, i.e.
// translate from english to spanish, then from translated spanish back to english or others
// with errors, always use english as base language.
if (!translateDiv.retrieve("orig_en")) {
translateDiv.store("orig_en", translateDiv.get("html"));
// check cookie and if so, translate and set new base language
var toLang = Cookie.read("googleLang");
if (toLang && toLang != lang) {
google.language.translate(translateDiv.retrieve("orig_en"), lang, toLang, callback);
lang = toLang;
// Add a click listener to update the DIV
$$("#languages a").addEvent("click", function(e) {
// Stop the event
if (e) e.stop();
// Get the "to" language
var toLang = this.get("rel");
if (toLang === lang)
// Set the translation into motion
google.language.translate(translateDiv.get("html"), lang, toLang, callback);
// Set the new language
lang = toLang;
// Add class to current
// ... and add here the code to save the last choice
Cookie.write("googleLang", toLang, {
path: "/"
конечно, вы можете просто посмотреть на http://mootools.net/docs/core/Utilities/Cookie