Я думаю, вам нужно создать свой собственный класс, инкапсулирующий все три поля, и использовать собственную коллекцию. Например:
class CountryInfo
string shortName //Primary Key - (IL or UK for example)
int ID //Unique - has no meaning, but needs to be saved
string longName //(Israel or United Kingdom for example)
class CountryCollection : Collection <CountryInfo>
//Implement methods what you need
void getByShortName();// I dont know what to return, I'd love
void getById();// I might need that
void getAll();// I dont know what to return, I'd l
Если вам нравится быстрый поиск, используйте пару словарей:
class CountryInfo
string shortName //Primary Key - (IL or UK for example)
int ID //Unique - has no meaning, but needs to be saved
string longName //(Israel or United Kingdom for example)
class CountryCollection
Dictionary <int, string> Ids = new Dictionary <int, string> ();
Dictionary <string, string> shortNames = new Dictionary <string, string> ();
void Add (CountryInfo info)
Ids.Add (info.ID, info.longName);
shortnames.Add(info.ID, info.longName);
//Implement methods what you need
void getByShortName();// I dont know what to return, I'd love
void getById();// I might need that
void getAll();// I dont know what to return, I'd l