Очень похоже на ранее опубликованный ответ ... Я давно использую этот класс.
class fontAttributes extends baseClass
// --- ATTRIBUTES ---
* @access private
* @var string
private $_fileName = NULL ; // Name of the truetype font file
* @access private
* @var string
private $_copyright = NULL ; // Copyright
* @access private
* @var string
private $_fontFamily = NULL ; // Font Family
* @access private
* @var string
private $_fontSubFamily = NULL ; // Font SubFamily
* @access private
* @var string
private $_fontIdentifier = NULL ; // Font Unique Identifier
* @access private
* @var string
private $_fontName = NULL ; // Font Name
* @access private
* @var string
private $_fontVersion = NULL ; // Font Version
* @access private
* @var string
private $_postscriptName = NULL ; // Postscript Name
* @access private
* @var string
private $_trademark = NULL ; // Trademark
// --- OPERATIONS ---
private function _returnValue($inString)
if (ord($inString) == 0) {
if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
return mb_convert_encoding($inString,"UTF-8","UTF-16");
} else {
return str_replace(chr(00),'',$inString);
} else {
return $inString;
} // function _returnValue()
* @access public
* @return integer
public function getCopyright()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_copyright);
} // function getCopyright()
* @access public
* @return integer
public function getFontFamily()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_fontFamily);
} // function getFontFamily()
* @access public
* @return integer
public function getFontSubFamily()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_fontSubFamily);
} // function getFontSubFamily()
* @access public
* @return integer
public function getFontIdentifier()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_fontIdentifier);
} // function getFontIdentifier()
* @access public
* @return integer
public function getFontName()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_fontName);
} // function getFontName()
* @access public
* @return integer
public function getFontVersion()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_fontVersion);
} // function getFontVersion()
* @access public
* @return integer
public function getPostscriptName()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_postscriptName);
} // function getPostscriptName()
* @access public
* @return integer
public function getTrademark()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_trademark);
} // function getTrademark()
* Convert a big-endian word or longword value to an integer
* @access private
* @return integer
private function _UConvert($bytesValue,$byteCount)
$retVal = 0;
$bytesLength = strlen($bytesValue);
for ($i=0; $i < $bytesLength; $i++) {
$tmpVal = ord($bytesValue{$i});
$t = pow(256,($byteCount-$i-1));
$retVal += $tmpVal*$t;
return $retVal;
} // function UConvert()
* Convert a big-endian word value to an integer
* @access private
* @return integer
private function _USHORT($stringValue) {
return $this->_UConvert($stringValue,2);
* Convert a big-endian word value to an integer
* @access private
* @return integer
private function _ULONG($stringValue) {
return $this->_UConvert($stringValue,4);
* Read the Font Attributes
* @access private
* @return integer
private function readFontAttributes() {
$fontHandle = fopen($this->_fileName, "rb");
// Read the file header
$TT_OFFSET_TABLE = fread($fontHandle, 12);
$uMajorVersion = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_OFFSET_TABLE,0,2));
$uMinorVersion = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_OFFSET_TABLE,2,2));
$uNumOfTables = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_OFFSET_TABLE,4,2));
// $uSearchRange = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_OFFSET_TABLE,6,2));
// $uEntrySelector = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_OFFSET_TABLE,8,2));
// $uRangeShift = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_OFFSET_TABLE,10,2));
// Check is this is a true type font and the version is 1.0
if ($uMajorVersion != 1 || $uMinorVersion != 0) {
throw new Exception($this->_fileName.' is not a Truetype font file') ;
// Look for details of the name table
$nameTableFound = false;
for ($t=0; $t < $uNumOfTables; $t++) {
$TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY = fread($fontHandle, 16);
$szTag = substr($TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY,0,4);
if (strtolower($szTag) == 'name') {
// $uCheckSum = $this->_ULONG(substr($TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY,4,4));
$uOffset = $this->_ULONG(substr($TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY,8,4));
// $uLength = $this->_ULONG(substr($TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY,12,4));
$nameTableFound = true;
if (!$nameTableFound) {
throw new Exception('Can\'t find name table in '.$this->_fileName) ;
// Set offset to the start of the name table
$TT_NAME_TABLE_HEADER = fread($fontHandle, 6);
// $uFSelector = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_TABLE_HEADER,0,2));
$uNRCount = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_TABLE_HEADER,2,2));
$uStorageOffset = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_TABLE_HEADER,4,2));
$attributeCount = 0;
for ($a=0; $a < $uNRCount; $a++) {
$TT_NAME_RECORD = fread($fontHandle, 12);
$uNameID = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_RECORD,6,2));
if ($uNameID <= 7) {
// $uPlatformID = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_RECORD,0,2));
$uEncodingID = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_RECORD,2,2));
// $uLanguageID = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_RECORD,4,2));
$uStringLength = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_RECORD,8,2));
$uStringOffset = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_RECORD,10,2));
if ($uStringLength > 0) {
$nPos = ftell($fontHandle);
fseek($fontHandle,$uOffset + $uStringOffset + $uStorageOffset,SEEK_SET);
$testValue = fread($fontHandle, $uStringLength);
if (trim($testValue) > '') {
switch ($uNameID) {
case 0 : if ($this->_copyright == NULL) {
$this->_copyright = $testValue;
case 1 : if ($this->_fontFamily == NULL) {
$this->_fontFamily = $testValue;
case 2 : if ($this->_fontSubFamily == NULL) {
$this->_fontSubFamily = $testValue;
case 3 : if ($this->_fontIdentifier == NULL) {
$this->_fontIdentifier = $testValue;
case 4 : if ($this->_fontName == NULL) {
$this->_fontName = $testValue;
case 5 : if ($this->_fontVersion == NULL) {
$this->_fontVersion = $testValue;
case 6 : if ($this->_postscriptName == NULL) {
$this->_postscriptName = $testValue;
case 7 : if ($this->_trademark == NULL) {
$this->_trademark = $testValue;
if ($attributeCount > 7) {
return true;
* @access constructor
* @return void
function __construct($fileName='') {
if ($fileName == '') {
throw new Exception('Font File has not been specified') ;
$this->_fileName = $fileName;
if (!file_exists($this->_fileName)) {
throw new Exception($this->_fileName.' does not exist') ;
} elseif (!is_readable($this->_fileName)) {
throw new Exception($this->_fileName.' is not a readable file') ;
return $this->readFontAttributes();
} // function constructor()
} /* end of class fontAttributes */