скопировать ячейки из одного листа в несколько листов Excel - VBA - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 13 декабря 2011

У меня есть данные на одном листе в рабочей книге. Я хочу распределить его по нескольким листам в другой книге. Как это сделать, вот схема.

enter image description here

В настоящее время я использую следующий код, но он работает не так, как предполагалось. Это только отправная точка для меня.

Dim row1, row2
Dim i As Integer
Dim cell1 As String

' this is just an example where I am trying to loop through 3 cells but it does not work
' the cells in my example are in G14,G15 and G16

Dim wbk1 As Workbook, wbk2 As Workbook

strFirstFile = "c:\Book1.xls"
strSecondFile = "c:\Book2.xls"
Set wbk1 = Workbooks.Open(strFirstFile)
Set wbk2 = Workbooks.Open(strSecondFile)
For i = 14 To 16
    With wbk1.Sheets("Data")
        Cells(i, 7).Copy
    End With

    With wbk2.Sheets("MyData")
        Cells(i, 5).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
        False, Transpose:=False
    End With
Next i

Фактическое отображение в моем примере выглядит следующим образом

Book1.xls            Book2.xls
sheet1->B3     ->    Company->A3
sheet1->C3     ->    Address->C3
sheet1->E3     ->    Popularity->D3

Если я смогу достичь этого, мой настоящий проект будет почти таким же.

1 Ответ

3 голосов
/ 13 декабря 2011

Это решение было существенно переписано в свете пересмотренного вопроса.

В этом решении предполагается, что макрос SplitSheet находится в собственной рабочей книге. В этой версии необходимо два имени файла, жестко закодированных как Source.xls и Dest.xls . В этой версии предполагается, что все три книги находятся или будут в одной папке. Исходная рабочая книга должна существовать до запуска макроса. Книга назначения не должна существовать.

Вопрос состоит из четырех столбцов, но настоящая проблема имеет шестьдесят. Решение рассчитано на изменение размеров до Sheet1 (также жестко закодировано). Какие столбцы должны быть перемещены, куда и как именуются, управляются тремя массивами, которые могут быть увеличены из их текущих трех записей. Код использует фактический размер этих массивов.

Я надеюсь, что каждое трудное утверждение полностью объяснено. Желаем удачи.

Sub SplitSheet()

  Dim ColDestCrnt As Integer
  Dim ColMapName() As Variant
  Dim ColMapDest() As Variant
  Dim ColMapSource() As Variant
  Dim ColSourceCrnt As Integer
  Dim ColSourceMax As Integer
  Dim ColWidth() As Single
  Dim DataCol() As Variant
  Dim DataWSheet() As Variant
  Dim FileNameSource As String
  Dim FileNameDest As String
  Dim InxColMap As Integer
  Dim InxWSheet As Integer
  Dim Path As String
  Dim Rng As Range
  Dim RowSourceCrnt As Integer
  Dim RowSourceMax As Integer
  Dim WBookDest As Workbook
  Dim WBookSource As Workbook

  ' These arrays define the mappings.  Column B is to be copied to column A,
  ' column C to C and column E to D.
  ColMapSource = Array("B", "C", "E")
  ColMapDest = Array("A", "C", "D")
  ' The names to be given to the worksheets in the destination worksheet
  ColMapName = Array("Company", "Address", "Popularity")
  ' Additional entries may be added to these array providing they all have
  ' the same number of entries.

  If Workbooks.Count > 1 Then
    ' It can get complicated if more than one workbook is open
    ' at the start.  I suggest aborting in this situation unless
    ' there is an important reason for allowing it.
    ' If this is a one-off transformation, use of Debug.Assert False,
    ' which will stop execution until you press F5, is adequate if
    ' unprofessional.  If it is to be used repeatedly, you need a
    ' proper error message for the user.
    Debug.Assert False      ' execution error
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ' This assumes all three workbooks will be in the same folder.
  ' Change as necessary.
  Path = ActiveWorkbook.Path

  ' You must decide how to assign values to these variables
  FileNameSource = "Source.xls"
  FileNameDest = "Dest.xls"

  If Dir$(Path & "\" & FileNameSource) = "" Then
    ' Source workbook does not exist
    Debug.Assert False      ' execution error
    Exit Sub
  End If

  If Dir$(Path & "\" & FileNameDest) <> "" Then
    ' Dest workbook exists
    Debug.Assert False      ' execution error
    Exit Sub
  End If

  Set WBookSource = Workbooks.Open(Path & "\" & FileNameSource)

  With WBookSource
    ' Replace "Sheet1" with the name of the source worksheet
    With Sheets("Sheet1")
      ' This determines the highest numbered row and the highest
      ' number column in the source worksheet
      Set Rng = .Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
      RowSourceMax = Rng.Row
      ColSourceMax = Rng.Column
      ' This copies the values of the entire source worksheet to array SourceWSheet
      DataWSheet = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(RowSourceMax, ColSourceMax)).Value
      ' This saves the widths of the source columns
      ReDim ColWidth(1 To ColSourceMax)
      For ColSourceCrnt = 1 To ColSourceMax
        ColWidth(ColSourceCrnt) = .Columns(ColSourceCrnt).ColumnWidth
    End With
    ' We have no further need of the source workbook.  Close without saving
    .Close False
  End With
  Set WBookSource = Nothing

  ' DataWSheet has dimensions (1 to RowSourceMax, 1 to ColSourceMax)
  ' Normal practice is to have rows as the second dimension.  This is not true
  ' of array loaded from or to a worksheet.

  Set WBookDest = Workbooks.Add

  With WBookDest
    ' The factory setting for Excel is to have three sheets
    ' in a new workbook but that setting may be changed.
    ' This Do Loop ensures there are enough sheets and that
    ' any that are added are in sheet name sequence.
    ' It does not delete any excess Sheets.
    Do While UBound(ColMapName) > .Sheets.Count
      .Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(.Sheets.Count)
    ' Name the sheets with the values in ColMapName() and set the
    ' width of the destination column to that of the source column.
    ' The use of lbound (=lower bound) and ubound (=upper bound)
    ' means this for-loop is controlled by the size of ColmapName.
    ' Note one index is used for all three ColMap arrays because they match
    For InxColMap = LBound(ColMapName) To UBound(ColMapName)
      ' ColMapName has been loaded with Array.  Its lower bound is almost
      ' certainly zero but the documentation is not 100% clear that it will
      ' always be zero.  The lower bound for sheets is one.
      ' "InxColMap + 1 - LBound(ColMapName)" performs the necessary adjustment
      ' regardless of the ColMapName's lower bound
      With .Sheets(InxColMap + 1 - LBound(ColMapName))
        .Name = ColMapName(InxColMap)
        ' Convert the column letters in ColMapSource and ColMapDest
        ' to numbers.  Bit of a cheat but it works.
        ColSourceCrnt = Range(ColMapSource(InxColMap) & "1").Column
        ColDestCrnt = Range(ColMapDest(InxColMap) & "1").Column
        .Columns(ColDestCrnt).ColumnWidth = ColWidth(ColSourceCrnt)
      End With
    ' The destination worksheets are now prepared.
    ' Size the array that will be used to copy data to the destination sheets
    ReDim DataCol(1 To RowSourceMax, 1 To 1)
    For InxColMap = LBound(ColMapSource) To UBound(ColMapSource)
      ColSourceCrnt = Range(ColMapSource(InxColMap) & "1").Column
      For RowSourceCrnt = 1 To RowSourceMax
        DataCol(RowSourceCrnt, 1) = DataWSheet(RowSourceCrnt, ColSourceCrnt)
      With Sheets(ColMapName(InxColMap))
        ' Copy data to appropriate column in appropriate destination sheet
        .Range(ColMapDest(InxColMap) & "1:" & _
                  ColMapDest(InxColMap) & RowSourceMax).Value = DataCol
      End With
   .SaveAs (Path & "\" & FileNameDest)
   .Close False
  End With
  Set WBookDest = Nothing

End Sub
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