<div id="smallBoxWithLotsOfText">There is way more text in here than what
I have typed. I mean, this text is long. There is lots of it.
You can't even imagine how long this text is gonna get. No joking.
It's long; it's very, very long. It keeps going, and going, and going.
It's the Energizer Bunny of text. Like, seriously dude. It's crazy.
Absolutely crazy.
Попробуйте CSS:
#smallBoxWithLotsOfText {
width: 100%;
height: 100px;
overflow: auto;
Свойство height указывает прямоугольнику, как высоко он должен быть. Свойство overflow указывает блоку добавлять полосу прокрутки, когда содержимое становится больше, но не всегда иметь полосу прокрутки (как scroll
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