На самом деле я нашел более простое решение, так как у меня уже есть функция, которая возвращает дерево тегов. Я использовал запрос для каждого тега, чтобы получить фактический счет того момента. Вот то, что я строю. Не стесняйтесь использовать его в соответствии с вашими потребностями.
In Tag модель
// Returns the number of published ebooks of selected tag
function count_direct_published($tag_id = 0){
$temp = $this->query('SELECT count(*) as count FROM ebooks_tags LEFT JOIN ebooks ON ebooks_tags.ebook_id = ebooks.id WHERE ebooks.published < NOW() AND ebooks_tags.tag_id = '.$tag_id);
return $temp[0][0]['count'];
// Returns an array in tree format with $id tag and all his children
// $id = 0 start from the top (parent_id = null), or, from $id = the top's tag id
// $limit = boolean (default false)
// $level = Is the limit of depth applied only if $limit = true
// $ext = true Means this is the first time the function is called
// You can run tree_builder(), returns all the tree,
function tree_builder($id = 0, $limit = false, $level = 1, $ext = 1){
if($ext == 1){
$ext = 0;
$undo = true;
$undo = false;
$var = array();
$count_all = 0;
// If limit = too big , exit
if($limit !== false && $level > $limit){
return '';
// Or else,
// If $id=0, find all the children
if($id == 0){
$tags = $this->find('all',array('conditions'=>array( 'Tag.parent_id IS NULL'), 'order'=>array('Tag.gre')));
// If $id!=0 && runs internally
}elseif($id != 0 && !$undo ){
$tags = $this->find('all',array('conditions'=>array( 'Tag.parent_id'=>$id ), 'order'=>array('Tag.gre')));
// If $id!=0 && is called from outside
elseif($id != 0 && $undo){
$tags = $this->find('all',array('conditions'=>array( 'Tag.id'=>$id )));
foreach($tags as $key => $tag){
$var[] = $tag;
$next = $this->tree_builder($tag['Tag']['id'], $limit, $level+1, $ext);
end($var); // move the internal pointer to the end of the array
$last_key = key($var); // fetches the key of the element pointed to by the internal pointer
$var[$last_key]['children'] = $next['var'];
$counter_direct = $this->count_direct_published($id);
$var[$last_key]['Tag']['count_all'] = $next['count_all']+$counter_direct;
$count_all += $var[$last_key]['Tag']['count_all'];
if( $undo )
return $var;
return array('count_all'=> $count_all, 'var' => $var);
In tags_controller.php
$this->set('tags', $this->Tag->tree_builder());
В поле зрения
<?php foreach($tags as $tag){?>
<?php // Ο Γονέας σε dropdown box ?>
<div class="main-categ">
<?php echo $tag['Tag']['gre']; ?>
<?php echo $html->image('layout/arrows.png', array('alt'=> "Expand")); ?>
<div class="collapse">
<?php // Τα στοιχεία του γονέα ?>
<div class="tag-1">
<span class="tag-1">
<?php // Αν ?>
<?php if($tag['Tag']['count_direct']>0){
// Display link
echo $html->link($tag['Tag']['gre'],array('action'=>'view',$tag['Tag']['id']));
echo ' ('.$tag['Tag']['count_direct'].')';
// Display text
echo $tag['Tag']['gre'];
} ?>
<?php echo $html->link( 'view all' ,array('action'=>'view_all',$tag['Tag']['id'])); ?>
(<?php echo $tag['Tag']['count_all']; ?>)
<?php // Για κάθε πρώτο παιδί ?>
<?php foreach($tag['children'] as $tag_1){ ?>
<span class="tag-2">
<?php if($tag_1['Tag']['count_direct']>0){
// Display link
echo $html->link($tag_1['Tag']['gre'],array('action'=>'view',$tag_1['Tag']['id']));
echo ' ('.$tag_1['Tag']['count_direct'].')';
// Display text
echo $tag_1['Tag']['gre'];
} ?>
<?php echo $html->link( 'view all' ,array('action'=>'view_all',$tag_1['Tag']['id'])); ?>
(<?php echo $tag_1['Tag']['count_all']; ?>)
<?php // Τα δεύτερα παιδιά ?>
<?php $i=0; ?>
<?php foreach($tag_1['children'] as $tag_2){ ?>
<?php if($i==0){ echo '<ul class="split">'; $i++; } ?>
<?php if($tag_2['Tag']['count_direct']>0){
// Display link
echo $html->link($tag_2['Tag']['gre'],array('action'=>'view',$tag_2['Tag']['id']));
echo ' ('.$tag_2['Tag']['count_direct'].')';
// Display text
echo $tag_2['Tag']['gre'];
} ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($i==1) echo '</ul>'; ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php } ?>
Возможно, это не лучшее решение, но оно работает. Надеюсь, это поможет