ниже - это код, который я использую для приложения iPhone, которое делает точно то же самое. Код написан на Objective-C ++, но в нем много комментариев. Этот код выполняется внутри функции обратного вызова очереди записи. Я уверен, что подобный подход существует для платформы Android.
Этот подход очень хорошо работает практически во всех акустических средах, которые я использовал, и он используется в нашем приложении. Вы можете загрузить его , чтобы проверить его, если хотите.
Попробуйте реализовать его на платформе Android, и все готово!
// If there are some audio samples in the audio buffer of the recording queue
if (inNumPackets > 0) {
// The following 4 lines of code are vector functions that compute
// the average power of the current audio samples.
// Go [here][2] to view documentation about them.
vDSP_vflt16((SInt16*)inBuffer->mAudioData, 1, aqr->currentFrameSamplesArray, 1, inNumPackets);
vDSP_vabs(aqr->currentFrameSamplesArray, 1, aqr->currentFrameSamplesArray, 1, inNumPackets);
vDSP_vsmul(aqr->currentFrameSamplesArray, 1, &aqr->divider, aqr->currentFrameSamplesArray, 1, inNumPackets);
vDSP_sve(aqr->currentFrameSamplesArray, 1, &aqr->instantPower, inNumPackets);
// InstantPower holds the energy for the current audio samples
aqr->instantPower /= (CGFloat)inNumPackets;
// S.O.S. Avoid +-infs, NaNs add a small number to InstantPower
aqr->instantPower = log10f(aqr->instantPower + 0.001f);
// InstantAvgPower holds the energy for a bigger window
// of time than InstantPower
aqr->instantAvgPower = aqr->instantAvgPower * 0.95f + 0.05f * aqr->instantPower;
// AvgPower holds the energy for an even bigger window
// of time than InstantAvgPower
aqr->avgPower = aqr->avgPower * 0.97f + 0.03f * aqr->instantAvgPower;
// This is the ratio that tells us when to record
CGFloat ratio = aqr->avgPower / aqr->instantPower;
// If we are not already writing to an audio file and
// the ratio is bigger than a specific hardcoded value
// (this value has to do with the quality of the microphone
// of the device. I have set it to 1.5 for an iPhone) then start writing!
if (!aqr->writeToFile && ratio > aqr->recordingThreshold) {
aqr->writeToFile = YES;
if (aqr->writeToFile) {
// write packets to file
XThrowIfError(AudioFileWritePackets(aqr->mRecordFile, FALSE, inBuffer->mAudioDataByteSize,
inPacketDesc, aqr->mRecordPacket, &inNumPackets, inBuffer->mAudioData),
"AudioFileWritePackets failed");
aqr->mRecordPacket += inNumPackets;
// Now if we are recording but the instantAvgPower is lower
// than avgPower then we increase the countToStopRecording counter
if (aqr->instantAvgPower < aqr->avgPower) {
// or else set him to 0.
else {
aqr->countToStopRecording = 0;
// If we have detected that there is not enough power in 30 consecutive
// audio sample buffers OR we have recorded TOO much audio
// (the user speaks for more than a threshold of time) stop recording
if (aqr->countToStopRecording > 30 || aqr->mRecordPacket > kMaxAudioPacketsDuration) {
aqr->countToStopRecording = 0;
aqr->writeToFile = NO;
// Notify the audio player that we finished recording
// and start playing the audio!!!
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"RecordingEndedPlayNow" object:nil];});