Используйте этот класс вместо класса в пакете le_nlog. Также измените вашу сборку в конфиге:
<add assembly="MyAssembly"/>
<target name="logentries" type="Logentries" debug="true" layout="${date:format=ddd MMM dd} ${time:format=HH:mm:ss} ${date:format=zzz yyyy} ${logger} : ${LEVEL}, ${message}, ${exception:format=tostring}" />
<logger name="*" minLevel="Info" appendTo="logentries" />
Logentries Log4Net Logging agent
Copyright 2010,2011 Logentries, Jlizard
Mark Lacomber <marklacomber@gmail.com>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.IO;
using NLog;
using NLog.Common;
using NLog.Config;
using NLog.Internal;
using NLog.Internal.NetworkSenders;
using NLog.Layouts;
using NLog.Targets;
namespace Le
public sealed class LeTarget : TargetWithLayout
private SslStream sslSock = null;
private TcpClient leSocket = null;
private System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding;
public LeTarget()
string GetKey()
return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LOGENTRIES_ACCOUNT_KEY"];
string GetLocation()
return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LOGENTRIES_LOCATION"];
public bool Debug { get; set; }
public bool KeepConnection { get; set; }
private void createSocket(String key, String location)
this.leSocket = new TcpClient("api.logentries.com", 443);
this.leSocket.NoDelay = true;
this.sslSock = new SslStream(this.leSocket.GetStream());
this.encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
String output = "PUT /" + key + "/hosts/" + location + "/?realtime=1 HTTP/1.1\r\n";
this.sslSock.Write(this.encoding.GetBytes(output), 0, output.Length);
output = "Host: api.logentries.com\r\n";
this.sslSock.Write(this.encoding.GetBytes(output), 0, output.Length);
output = "Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n";
this.sslSock.Write(this.encoding.GetBytes(output), 0, output.Length);
output = "Transfer_Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n";
this.sslSock.Write(this.encoding.GetBytes(output), 0, output.Length);
private byte[] GetBytesToWrite(LogEventInfo logEvent)
string text = this.Layout.Render(logEvent) + "\r\n";
return this.encoding.GetBytes(text);
protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEvent)
if (this.sslSock == null)
this.createSocket(this.GetKey(), this.GetLocation());
catch (Exception e)
WriteDebugMessages("Error connecting to Logentries", e);
byte[] message = this.GetBytesToWrite(logEvent);
catch (Exception)
this.createSocket(this.GetKey(), this.GetLocation());
catch (Exception ex)
WriteDebugMessages("Error sending log to Logentries", ex);
private void sendToLogentries(byte[] message)
this.sslSock.Write(message, 0, message.Length);
private void WriteDebugMessages(string message, Exception e)
if (!this.Debug) return;
string[] messages = { message, e.ToString() };
foreach (var msg in messages)