Я изучаю lua и недавно приобрел доступ к API по ссылке , которая в любом случае меня немного смущает. Но главная проблема, с которой я сталкиваюсь, - это получение заранее определенного Послания на определенный канал разногласий.
Я попытался отправить его как собственный код для вставки, не используя переменную по умолчанию, и это не сработало. Я попытался использовать функцию Set: Message ('message here') рядом с функцией Set: Channel ('Channel here'), чтобы не преобладать. Например
Message:SetMessage('SendOnlineMessage'): SetChannel('MyChan'),
SendOnlineMessage:SetChannel('MyChan'),``` ```
title = "Online";
fields = {
{name = "ONLINE_MESSAGE_TITLE"; value = body["ONLINE_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION"]; inline = false};
The API does NOT provide any way to edit what is sent in the "Relay" channel which is the default channel for both server messages in game and the SendOnlineMessage variable.
This first part is the config file I know it is missing the ending curly bracket thats because i did not need to copy the anti cheat logging functions as theyre working. The second part is the lang file where everything is defined
Discord.Config = {
Parts of the addon that you wan't to enable. Make sure to
configure the parts enabled in their respective section below.
EnabledModules = {
['Relay'] = true,
['Join Rewards'] = true,
['Rank Sync'] = true,
This'll automatically enable sv_hibernate_think to make all timers
and http requests work. (Highly recommended to keep enabled)
HibernateThink = true,
Creating Discord application:
Go to https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me and
click on "Create an application".
Set the name (and icon) to anything you want. It's used for as title
for Rich Presence, bot name and application name when requesting
permissions to join your Discord or link account.
Copy the Client ID and Client Secret to the fields below.
ClientID = 'removed',
ClientSecret = 'removed',
Now navigate to the "OAuth2" tab on the left.
Click the "Add Redirect" button and add the following URL into it:
Now click the "Bot" tab on the left.
Then click on the "Add Bot" button, then confirm it's creation.
After the bot gets created, click on the "Click to reveal token"
button and copy and paste the WHOLE token in to the field below.
(You may also want to check off the "Public Bot" checkbox, if you
don't want to allow other people to invite your bot to their Discord)
BotToken = 'removed',
Inviting your bot to your Discord:
Copy the Client ID and replace the "INSERT_CLIENT_ID_HERE" part at
the end of the following url:
Then open the link in your browser and select your Discord from the list.
Then authorize the application and you're done!
NOTE: The bot needs all permissions to work (unless you don't want to use
rank sync, you can disable manage roles permission)
Your discord server's guild ID.
Enable dev mode in Discord Settings by navigating into the "Appearance" tab
and check the Developer Mode tickbox. Then right click your server and
select "Copy ID" and copy it to the field below.
GuildID = 'removed',
Relay Configuration
Relay = {
"Relay" will have all the relay messages, and
"Admin" will have all logging messages (ULX, SG, etc.)
Either channel id or channel name (without #) are valid arguments.
If the bot will be in multiple servers, use ID or unique channel names
to avoid them conflicting.
If you want to get the channel id:
Enable dev mode in Discord Settings by navigating into
the "Appearance" tab and check the Developer Mode tickbox.
Then right click your channel and select "Copy ID".
You can add additional channels here with name => channel id/name
so that you can use them in your code and as argument for Message:SetChannel.
Refer to Developer API on script page for additional info.
Channels = {
Relay = '582253368777637898',
Admin = '582240219747581955',
MyChan = '584182548431634531',
Exiles message dont touch!
Prefix for all bot commands (e.g: !help)
BotPrefix = '!',
Displayed as the bot's status. Max 32 characters.
BotStatus = 'status',
Prefix all players names with certain string (e.g: [GMOD])
NamePrefix = '[GMOD]',
Should chat messages get relayed into Discord?
RelayChat = true,
Should join/leave messages get relayed into Discord?
RelayJoinLeave = false,
Allow mentioning of Discord users from Gmod -> Discord
Mentioning = true,
Should team chat be relayed into Discord?
TeamChatEnabled = false,
Should "Server is now online!" type of message be sent on server bootup?
NOTE: Translatable in discord_lang.lua
SendOnlineMessage = true,
Часть 2:
Discord.Lang = {
Start of Lang configuration
Extra supported strings for ANY language string:
<server_ip> -> Server's IP
<join_url> -> steam://connect/<server_ip>
<hostname> -> Server's Hostname
<map> -> Server's Map
<gamemode> -> Server's Gamemode
Online Message
ONLINE_MESSAGE_TITLE = '<hostname> is now online!',
ONLINE_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION = 'Join at steam://connect/MYIPREMOVEDFORPRIVACY! \n Direct connect: <server_ip> \n Gamemode: <gamemode>',