Это мой метод смахивания.Работает с версиями 6.1.0 и 7.0.0 Appium.Вы можете использовать эти коды.
public void swipeWithRatio(int startXRatio, int startYRatio, int endXRatio, int endYRatio, int durationMiliSec) {
Dimension d = getPhoneSize();
int height = d.height;
int width = d.width;
int swipeStartWidth = (width * startXRatio) / 100;
int swipeStartHeight = (height * startYRatio) / 100;
int swipeEndWidth = (width * endXRatio) / 100;
int swipeEndHeight = (height * endYRatio) / 100;
new TouchAction(driver)
.press(point(swipeStartWidth, swipeStartHeight))
.moveTo(point(swipeEndWidth, swipeEndHeight))
// Swipe from up to down example
// It starts from 25 percent of the screen and continues to 75 percent.
// Swipe from down to up example
// It starts from 75 percent of the screen and continues to 25 percent.