это довольно просто с триместой:
In [1]: import trimesh
In [2]: m = trimesh.creation.icosphere()
In [3]: m
Out[3]: <trimesh.base.Trimesh at 0x7f99bec7d550>
In [4]: m.sample?
Signature: m.sample(count, return_index=False)
Return random samples distributed normally across the
surface of the mesh
count : int
Number of points to sample
return_index : bool
If True will also return the index of which face each
sample was taken from.
samples : (count, 3) float
Points on surface of mesh
face_index : (count, ) int
Index of self.faces
File: /media/psf/Dropbox/robotics/trimesh/trimesh/base.py
Type: method
In [5]: points, index = m.sample(1000, return_index=True)
In [6]: points
array([[ 0.79934465, 0.58103816, 0.1308479 ],
[-0.07373243, 0.08338232, 0.99055759],
[ 0.71660325, 0.21369974, 0.65889903],
[-0.08330094, 0.98915598, 0.10205582],
[ 0.2558548 , -0.68523377, -0.6770221 ],
[-0.11483521, 0.97023335, 0.19696663]])
In [8]: normals = m.face_normals[index]
In [9]: normals
array([[ 0.79167915, 0.58957859, 0.16012871],
[-0.04950537, 0.06905681, 0.99638365],
[ 0.73810358, 0.21732806, 0.63872656],
[-0.06905681, 0.99638365, 0.04950537],
[ 0.23921922, -0.7022584 , -0.67052763],
[-0.08142553, 0.97123096, 0.22378629]])
Вы можете получить более хорошие нормали, найдя барицентрические координаты каждой точки и затем интерполируя нормали вершин, но просто использовать грани нормали граней очень просто.