Я только что закончил свой второй класс ООП, и мои первые и вторые классы преподавались на C #, но для остальных моих классов программирования мы будем работать на C ++. В частности, мы будем использовать визуальный компилятор C ++. Проблема в том, что мы сами должны изучать основы C ++, без перехода от нашего профессора. Итак, мне было интересно, знает ли кто-нибудь из вас о хороших ресурсах, на которые я мог бы пойти, чтобы узнать о C ++, происходящих из фона на c #?
Я спрашиваю об этом, потому что я заметил много различий между C # и C ++, таких как объявление вашего main
метода int и возвращение 0, и что ваш основной метод не всегда содержится в классе. Кроме того, я заметил, что все ваши классы должны быть написаны до вашего основного метода, я слышал, что это потому, что VC ++ соответствует сверху вниз?
В любом случае, вы знаете несколько хороших ссылок?
Спасибо! (Кроме того, есть ли где-нибудь, где я могу сравнить простые программы, которые я написал на C #, чтобы увидеть, как они будут выглядеть в C ++, например ту, которую я написал ниже)?
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text; // for stringbuilder
class Driver
const int ARRAY_SIZE = 10;
static void Main()
PrintStudentHeader(); // displays my student information header
Console.WriteLine("FluffShuffle Electronics Payroll Calculator\n");
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the path to the file, either relative to your current location, or the whole file path\n");
int i = 0;
Console.Write("Please enter the path to the file: ");
string filePath = Console.ReadLine();
StreamReader employeeDataReader = new StreamReader(filePath);
Employee[] employeeInfo = new Employee[ARRAY_SIZE];
Employee worker;
while ((worker = Employee.ReadFromFile(employeeDataReader)) != null)
employeeInfo[i] = worker;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
}//End Main()
class Employee
const int TIME_AND_A_HALF_MARKER = 40;
const double STATE_INCOME_TAX_PERCENTAGE = .075;
const double TIME_AND_A_HALF_PREMIUM = 0.5;
private int employeeNumber;
private string employeeName;
private string employeeStreetAddress;
private double employeeHourlyWage;
private int employeeHoursWorked;
private double federalTaxDeduction;
private double stateTaxDeduction;
private double grossPay;
private double netPay;
// -------------- Constructors ----------------
public Employee() : this(0, "", "", 0.0, 0) { }
public Employee(int a, string b, string c, double d, int e)
employeeNumber = a;
employeeName = b;
employeeStreetAddress = c;
employeeHourlyWage = d;
employeeHoursWorked = e;
grossPay = employeeHourlyWage * employeeHoursWorked;
if (employeeHoursWorked > TIME_AND_A_HALF_MARKER)
grossPay += (((employeeHoursWorked - TIME_AND_A_HALF_MARKER) * employeeHourlyWage) * TIME_AND_A_HALF_PREMIUM);
stateTaxDeduction = grossPay * STATE_INCOME_TAX_PERCENTAGE;
federalTaxDeduction = grossPay * FEDERAL_INCOME_TAX_PERCENTAGE;
// --------------- Setters -----------------
/// <summary>
/// The SetEmployeeNumber method
/// sets the employee number to the given integer param
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">an integer</param>
public void SetEmployeeNumber(int n)
employeeNumber = n;
/// <summary>
/// The SetEmployeeName method
/// sets the employee name to the given string param
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">a string</param>
public void SetEmployeeName(string s)
employeeName = s;
/// <summary>
/// The SetEmployeeStreetAddress method
/// sets the employee street address to the given param string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">a string</param>
public void SetEmployeeStreetAddress(string s)
employeeStreetAddress = s;
/// <summary>
/// The SetEmployeeHourlyWage method
/// sets the employee hourly wage to the given double param
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d">a double value</param>
public void SetEmployeeHourlyWage(double d)
employeeHourlyWage = d;
/// <summary>
/// The SetEmployeeHoursWorked method
/// sets the employee hours worked to a given int param
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">an integer</param>
public void SetEmployeeHoursWorked(int n)
employeeHoursWorked = n;
// -------------- Getters --------------
/// <summary>
/// The GetEmployeeNumber method
/// gets the employee number of the currnt employee object
/// </summary>
/// <returns>the int value, employeeNumber</returns>
public int GetEmployeeNumber()
return employeeNumber;
/// <summary>
/// The GetEmployeeName method
/// gets the name of the current employee object
/// </summary>
/// <returns>the string, employeeName</returns>
public string GetEmployeeName()
return employeeName;
/// <summary>
/// The GetEmployeeStreetAddress method
/// gets the street address of the current employee object
/// </summary>
/// <returns>employeeStreetAddress, a string</returns>
public string GetEmployeeStreetAddress()
return employeeStreetAddress;
/// <summary>
/// The GetEmployeeHourlyWage method
/// gets the value of the hourly wage for the current employee object
/// </summary>
/// <returns>employeeHourlyWage, a double</returns>
public double GetEmployeeHourlyWage()
return employeeHourlyWage;
/// <summary>
/// The GetEmployeeHoursWorked method
/// gets the hours worked for the week of the current employee object
/// </summary>
/// <returns>employeeHoursWorked, as an int</returns>
public int GetEmployeeHoursWorked()
return employeeHoursWorked;
// End --- Getter/Setter methods
/// <summary>
/// The CalcSalary method
/// calculates the net pay of the current employee object
/// </summary>
/// <returns>netPay, a double</returns>
private double CalcSalary()
netPay = grossPay - stateTaxDeduction - federalTaxDeduction;
return netPay;
/// <summary>
/// The ReadFromFile method
/// reads in the data from a file using a given a streamreader object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="r">a streamreader object</param>
/// <returns>an Employee object</returns>
public static Employee ReadFromFile(StreamReader r)
string line = r.ReadLine();
if (line == null)
return null;
int empNumber = int.Parse(line);
string empName = r.ReadLine();
string empAddress = r.ReadLine();
string[] splitWageHour = r.ReadLine().Split();
double empWage = double.Parse(splitWageHour[0]);
int empHours = int.Parse(splitWageHour[1]);
return new Employee(empNumber, empName, empAddress, empWage, empHours);
/// <summary>
/// The Print method
/// prints out all of the information for the current employee object, uses string formatting
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checkNum">The number of the FluffShuffle check</param>
public void Print(int checkNum)
string formatStr = "| {0,-45}|";
Console.WriteLine(formatStr, "FluffShuffle Electronics");
Console.WriteLine(formatStr, string.Format("Check Number: 231{0}", checkNum));
Console.WriteLine(formatStr, string.Format("Pay To The Order Of: {0}", employeeName));
Console.WriteLine(formatStr, employeeStreetAddress);
Console.WriteLine(formatStr, string.Format("In The Amount of {0:c2}", CalcSalary()));
/// <summary>
/// The ToString method
/// is an override of the ToString method, it builds a string
/// using string formatting, and returns the built string. It particularly builds a string containing
/// all of the info for the pay stub of a sample employee check
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A string</returns>
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder printer = new StringBuilder();
string formatStr = "| {0,-45}|\n";
printer.AppendFormat(formatStr,string.Format("Employee Number: {0}", employeeNumber));
printer.AppendFormat(formatStr,string.Format("Address: {0}", employeeStreetAddress));
printer.AppendFormat(formatStr,string.Format("Hours Worked: {0}", employeeHoursWorked));
printer.AppendFormat(formatStr,string.Format("Gross Pay: {0:c2}", grossPay));
printer.AppendFormat(formatStr,string.Format("Federal Tax Deduction: {0:c2}", federalTaxDeduction));
printer.AppendFormat(formatStr,string.Format("State Tax Deduction: {0:c2}", stateTaxDeduction));
printer.AppendFormat(formatStr,string.Format("Net Pay: {0:c2}", CalcSalary()));
return printer.ToString();