function percentToHEXColor(percent) {
if (percent === 100) {
percent = 99
var r, g, b;
// yellow to red
b = Math.floor(255 * ((percent % 100) / 100));
g = 0;
r = 0;
return ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1);
function arrayMin(arr, number) {
var len = arr.length, min = arr[0][number];
while (len--) {
if (arr[len][number] < min) {
min = arr[len][number];
return min;
function arrayMax(arr, number) {
var len = arr.length, max = arr[0][number];
while (len--) {
if (arr[len][number] > max) {
max = arr[len][number];
return max;
const getPercentage = (cost, min, max)=>((cost-min)/(max-min)*100);
const Units = {
Point : (x, y) => ({x, y}),
Cube : (x, y, z) => ({x, y, z}),
Hex : (q, r) => ({q, r}),
const ArrayHelper = {
// From: /1866992/kak-randomizirovat-peremeshat-massiv-javascript
shuffle: (array) => {
var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;
// While there remain elements to shuffle...
while (0 !== currentIndex) {
// Pick a remaining element...
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
// And swap it with the current element.
temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return array;
multiArray: (x, y) => Array(...Array(x)).map(() => Array(y))
// From:
// Savagely adapted/mangled!
const PriorityQueue = (arr) => {
const queue = {
heap: [],
logHeap: function() {
let output = "HEAP - "
for (let i = 0; i < this.heap.length; i++) {
output += "[" + this.heap[i][0] + " / " + this.heap[i][1] + "]";
length: function() {
return this.heap.length;
push: function(data, priority) {
var node = [data, priority];
this.bubble(this.heap.push(node) - 1);
// removes and returns the data of lowest priority
pop: function() {
return this.heap.pop()[0];
// removes and returns the data of highest priority
popHigh: function() {
return this.heap.shift()[0];
// bubbles node i up the binary tree based on
// priority until heap conditions are restored
bubble: function(i) {
while (i > 0) {
// var parentIndex = i >> 1; // <=> floor(i/2) // legacy code
var parentIndex = i - 1;
// if equal, no bubble (maintains insertion order)
if (!this.isHigherPriority(i, parentIndex)) break;
this.swap(i, parentIndex);
i = parentIndex;
// swaps the addresses of 2 nodes
swap: function(i,j) {
var temp = this.heap[i];
this.heap[i] = this.heap[j];
this.heap[j] = temp;
// returns true if node i is higher priority than j
isHigherPriority: function(i,j) {
return this.heap[i][1] > this.heap[j][1];
if (arr) for (i=0; i< arr.length; i++)
queue.heap.push(arr[i][0], arr[i][1]);
return queue;
const Conversion = {
offset2Cube:(hex) => {
var x = hex.q - (hex.r - (hex.r&1)) / 2
var z = hex.r;
return Units.Cube(x,-x-z,z);
cube2Offset:(cube) => {
var q = cube.x + (cube.z - (cube.z&1)) / 2;
var r = cube.z;
return Units.Hex(q, r);
pixel2Cube:(point) => {
var x = Math.sqrt(3) * point.x / 3 / size.x - point.y / 3 / size.y;
var z = 2/3 * point.y / size.y;
return Units.Cube(x, -x-z, z);
return Conversion.cube2Offset(Conversion.cubeRound(Conversion.pixel2Cube(point)))
var x = size.x * (Math.sqrt(3) * hex.q + (Math.sqrt(3) / 2) * (hex.r&1));
var y = size.y * 3/2 * hex.r;
return Units.Point(x, y);
var q = Math.sqrt(3) * point.x / 3 / size.x - point.y / 3 / size.y;
var r = (2/3 * point.y) / size.y;
return Units.Hex(q, r)
cubeRound:(cube)=> {
var x = Math.round(cube.x);
var y = Math.round(cube.y);
var z = Math.round(cube.z);
var x_diff = Math.abs(x - cube.x);
var y_diff = Math.abs(y - cube.y);
var z_diff = Math.abs(z - cube.z);
if (x_diff > y_diff && x_diff > z_diff)
x = -y - z;
else if (y_diff > z_diff)
y = -x - z;
z = -x - y;
return Units.Cube(x,y,z);
const HexMath = {
cubeAdd: (cube1, cube2) => ({
x: cube1.x + cube2.x,
y: cube1.y + cube2.y,
z: cube1.z + cube2.z
cubeSub: (cube1, cube2) => ({
x: cube1.x - cube2.x,
y: cube1.y - cube2.y,
z: cube1.z - cube2.z
hexEqual: (hex1, hex2) => hex1.q === hex2.q && hex1.r === hex2.r,
cubeDistance: (cube1, cube2) => (Math.abs(cube1.x - cube2.x) + Math.abs(cube1.y - cube2.y) + Math.abs(cube1.z - cube2.z)) / 2,
offsetDistance: (hex1, hex2) => HexMath.cubeDistance( Conversion.offset2Cube(hex1), Conversion.offset2Cube(hex2) ),
moreEuristic: (start, current, goal) => Math.abs(current.q - goal.q*start.r - goal.r - start.q - goal.q*current.r - goal.r)
let mapSize = {q: 15, r: 22};
let map = ArrayHelper.multiArray(mapSize.q, mapSize.r);
let size = {x: 32, y: 16};
let center = {x: 0, y: 0};
var graphics;
var text;
var player = {coord: {q: 5, r: 5}};
var coord;
var finalPath = [];
var finalPathNeighbors = [];
var add;
var stages = 0;
var path1, path2;
var time = 0;
var debug = false;
var algo = 1;
//Fill Map Collision
for (let q = 0; q < mapSize.q; q++) {
for (let r = 0; r < mapSize.r; r++) {
//map[q][r] = {collision: Math.random() >= 0.8};
map[q][r] = {collision: false};
map[3][2] = {collision: true};
map[4][2] = {collision: true};
map[5][2] = {collision: true};
map[6][2] = {collision: true};
map[7][2] = {collision: true};
map[7][3] = {collision: true};
map[7][4] = {collision: true};
map[7][5] = {collision: true};
map[7][6] = {collision: true};
map[7][7] = {collision: true};
map[7][8] = {collision: true};
map[7][9] = {collision: true};
map[7][10] = {collision: true};
map[7][11] = {collision: true};
map[7][12] = {collision: true};
map[7][13] = {collision: true};
map[7][14] = {collision: true};
map[7][15] = {collision: true};
map[7][16] = {collision: true};
map[7][17] = {collision: true};
map[7][18] = {collision: true};
map[7][19] = {collision: true};
map[7][20] = {collision: true};
map[6][20] = {collision: true};
map[5][20] = {collision: true};
map[4][20] = {collision: true};
map[3][20] = {collision: true};
map[11][5] = {collision: true};
const offsetDirections = [
[[+1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, -1],
[-1, 0], [-1, +1], [0, +1]],
[[+1, 0], [+1, -1], [0, -1],
[-1, 0], [0, +1], [+1, +1]],
const cubeDirections = [
Units.Cube(+1, -1, 0), Units.Cube(+1, 0, -1), Units.Cube(0, +1, -1),
Units.Cube(-1, +1, 0), Units.Cube(-1, 0, +1), Units.Cube(0, -1, +1)
offsetNeighbor = (hex, direction) => {
var parity = hex.r & 1;
var dir = offsetDirections[parity][direction];
var hexf = Units.Hex(hex.q + dir[0], hex.r + dir[1]);
return hexf
cubeDirection = (d) => cubeDirections[d];
cubeNeighbor = (h, d) => HexMath.cubeAdd(h, cubeDirection(d));
cubeNeighbors = (h) => {
const neighbors = [];
for (let d = 0; d < 6; d++) {
neighbors.push(cubeNeighbor(h, d));
return neighbors;
//get coord corner dot hex by count
hex_corners = (center, size, corners) => {
var coords = [];
for (i = 1; i <= corners; i++) {
var angle_deg = 60 * i - 30;
var angle_rad = Math.PI / 180 * angle_deg;
coords.push(Units.Point(center.x + size.x * Math.cos(angle_rad),
center.y + size.y * Math.sin(angle_rad)));
return coords;
findHexMap = (hex) => {
//const hexOffset = Conversion.cube2Offset(hex);
const hexOffset = hex;
if (map[hexOffset.q]) {
return map[hexOffset.q][hexOffset.r];
} else {
return undefined;
// Generate data of Hexes, filling map array neighbors, coordinates, collision
initHexes = () => {
for (let q = 0; q < mapSize.q; q++) {
for (let r = 0; r < mapSize.r; r++) {
const hex = Units.Hex(q, r),
cube = Conversion.offset2Cube(hex),
neighbors = [];
if (!map[q][r].collision) {
// Each (eventual) neighbor of the cell
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
const neighbor_offset = offsetNeighbor(hex, i);
// Is the neighbor on/in the map?
if (neighbor_offset.q >= 0 && neighbor_offset.r >= 0
&& neighbor_offset.q < mapSize.q && neighbor_offset.r < mapSize.r) {
if (!map[neighbor_offset.q][neighbor_offset.r].collision) {
neighbors.push(neighbor_offset); // add an edge to the graph
// fill things into cell
map[q][r].cube = cube;
map[q][r].hex = hex;
map[q][r].neighbors = neighbors;
// From:
//get "to" hexes
getIndexHexes = (cames) => {
const hexes = [];
for (let h = 0; h < came.length; h++) {
return hexes;
//find hex from came to current hex
findFromHex = (cames, hex) => {
for (let h = 0; h < cames.length; h++) {
if (HexMath.hexEqual(cames[h].to, hex)) {
return cames[h];
return undefined;
findPath = (start, goal) => {
finalPathNeighbors = [];
time =;
const frontier = PriorityQueue(); // List of the places to explore next
const came = [];// List of where we've already been - "from" and The price we paid to go there - "cost"
let found = false;
frontier.push(start, 0);
came.push({to: start, from: undefined, cost: 0});
while (frontier.length() > 0) {
const current = frontier.pop();
const currentHex = findHexMap(current);
const neighbors = currentHex.neighbors;
//const neighbors = ArrayHelper.shuffle(currentHex.neighbors); // randomize
// Early exit (stop exploring map when goal is reached)
if (HexMath.hexEqual(current, goal)) {
found = true;
for (let n = 0; n < neighbors.length; n++) {
let next = neighbors[n],
newCost = (findFromHex(came, current).cost + 1), //plus one step
distance = HexMath.offsetDistance(next, goal);//manhattan distance
//distance += HexMath.moreEuristic(start, current, goal);
let eurist = newCost + distance;
if (findFromHex(came, next) === undefined || newCost < findFromHex(came, next).cost) {
finalPathNeighbors.push([next, eurist]);
frontier.push(next, eurist);
came.push({to: next, from: current, cost: newCost});
if (goal && found) {
let current = goal;
let path = [goal];
while (!HexMath.hexEqual(current, start)) {
current = findFromHex(came, current).from;
finalPath = path.reverse();
time = - time;
return finalPath;
} else {
return undefined;
var game = new Phaser.Game({
//type: Phaser.AUTO,
type: Phaser.CANVAS,
width: 1920,
height: 1080,
scene: {
create: create,
update: update
function create() {
graphics ={lineStyle: {width: 3, color: 0xe83331}});
text = this.add.text(40, 40, '');
coord = this.add.text(40, 60);
add = this.add;
this.input.on('pointermove', pointermove);
this.input.on('pointerdown', pointerdown);
for (let q = 0; q < mapSize.q; q++) {
for (let r = 0; r < mapSize.r; r++) {
let textPix = Conversion.hex_to_pixel(({q,r}));
map[q][r].text = this.add.text();
map[q][r].text.coord = {x:textPix.x,y:textPix.y};
// map[q][r].text.text = q+':'+r;
// map[q][r].text.x = map[q][r].text.coord.x-map[q][r].text.width/2;
// map[q][r].text.y = map[q][r].text.coord.y-map[q][r].text.height/2;
function update() {
//this.add.bitmapText({x:16, y:10, text:'Arial'});
text.setText("FPS: " + game.loop.actualFps);
if (center.y >= 0 && center.x >= 0) {
let oddr = Conversion.pixel2Offset(center)
if (oddr.q < mapSize.q && oddr.r < mapSize.r) {
graphics.strokePoints(hex_corners(center, size, 6), true);
for (let q = 0; q < mapSize.q; q++) {
for (let r = 0; r < mapSize.r; r++) {
map[q][r].text.text = '';
try {
if (map[q][r].collision) {
q: q,
r: r
}), size, 6), true).fillStyle(0x00ff00, 1).fillPath();
} catch (e) {
if (finalPathNeighbors.length > 0){
let min = arrayMin(finalPathNeighbors, 1);
let max = arrayMax(finalPathNeighbors, 1);
finalPathNeighbors.forEach((hex) => {
let q =hex[0].q;
let r = hex[0].r;
let percentage = getPercentage(hex[1], min, max);
graphics.strokePoints(hex_corners(Conversion.hex_to_pixel(({q,r})), size, 6), true).fillStyle("0x"+percentToHEXColor(percentage), 1).fillPath();
map[q][r].text.text = hex[1];
map[q][r].text.x = map[q][r].text.coord.x-map[q][r].text.width/2;
map[q][r].text.y = map[q][r].text.coord.y-map[q][r].text.height/2;
if (finalPath.length > 0)
finalPath.forEach((hex) => {
q: hex.q,
r: hex.r
}), {x:size.x/2,y:size.y/2}, 6), true).fillStyle(0x6600a5, 1).fillPath();
let pointerdown = pointer => {
let hex = Conversion.pixel2Offset({x: pointer.x, y: pointer.y});
if (
center.y >= 0 &&
center.x >= 0 &&
hex.q < mapSize.q &&
hex.r < mapSize.r &&
map[hex.q][hex.r].collision === false
) {
switch (stages) {
case 0:
path1 = hex;
stages = 1;
case 1:
path2 = hex;
debug = true;
findPath(path1, path2);
stages = 2;
case 2:
debug = false;
finalPath = [];
finalPathNeighbors = [];
path1 = undefined;
path2 = undefined;
stages = 0;
let pointermove = pointer => {
var cube = Conversion.pixel2Cube({x: pointer.x, y: pointer.y});
var round_cube = Conversion.cubeRound(cube);
var round_hex = Conversion.cube2Offset(round_cube);
center = Conversion.hex_to_pixel(round_hex);
path2 = round_hex;
var offsetToCube = Conversion.offset2Cube(round_hex)
if (
center.y >= 0 &&
center.x >= 0 &&
round_hex.q < mapSize.q &&
round_hex.r < mapSize.r &&
path1!== undefined &&
stages === 1 &&
map[round_hex.q][round_hex.r].collision === false
) {
// let neghs = APuthSearch(round_hex, function (hex) {
// let oddr = pixel_to_oddr({x:game.config.width,y:game.config.height});
// return hex.q < 0 || hex.r < 0 || hex.q > oddr.q+1 || hex.r > oddr.r+1
// });
coord.text = 'Cursor\n x:' + pointer.x + "\n" + ' y:' + pointer.y + "\n" +
'Hex\n r:' + round_hex.r + "\n" + ' q:' + round_hex.q + "\n" +
'Cube\n x:' + round_cube.x + "\n" + ' y:' + round_cube.y + "\n" + ' z:' + round_cube.z + "\n";
function changeAlgo(){
<script src=""></script>
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/** * { cursor: none; } **/
body {
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0px;
height: 1080px;
width: 1920px;