Я хочу спросить, как сделать прямое распространение в CNN, используя матричную форму.на вход уже дано, как записать в выходной формуляр
def forward(self, input, weights, bias):
# Arguments
input: numpy array with shape (batch, in_channel, in_height, in_width)
weights: numpy array with shape (out_channel, in_channel, kernel_h, kernel_w)
bias: numpy array with shape (out_channel)
# Returns
output: numpy array with shape (batch, out_channel, out_height, out_width)
kernel_h = self.conv_params['kernel_h'] # height of kernel
kernel_w = self.conv_params['kernel_w'] # width of kernel
pad = self.conv_params['pad']
stride = self.conv_params['stride']
in_channel = self.conv_params['in_channel']
out_channel = self.conv_params['out_channel']
output = None
How to write the ouput here?