Проверьте функцию fn_search
, она должна содержать всю необходимую информацию;
Крюк, который вы, вероятно, хотите использовать: additional_fields_in_search
В базе данных (https://helpdesk.cs -cart.com / api ) он изготовлен следующим образом:
Executed for each part of a search query; it allows to modify the SQL conditions of the search
$params array List of parameters passed to fn_get_products functions
$fields array List of fields for retrieving
$sortings array Sorting fields
$condition string String containing SQL-query condition possibly prepended with a logical operator (AND or OR)
$join string String with the complete JOIN information (JOIN type, tables and fields) for an SQL-query
$sorting string String containing the SQL-query ORDER BY clause. This variable isn't used; it remains only for backward compatibility.
$group_by string String containing the SQL-query GROUP BY field. This variable isn't used; it remains only for backward compatibility.
$tmp string String containing SQL-query search condition by piece
$piece string Part of the search query
$having array HAVING condition