У меня есть небольшой модуль управления отступами с FParsec (найдено здесь );он работает замечательно хорошо, но единственное беспокойство заключается в том, что, когда в анализируемом потоке встречается ошибка, большую часть времени FParsec возвращает сообщение об ошибке из диспетчера отступов, то есть UserState
(поправьте меня, если я 'я не прав в этом вопросе);что проблематично, потому что это делает ошибки очень размытыми, и все же ... Как я могу отображать ошибки отступа, только когда они необходимы?
Вот модуль, используемый для отступа:
module IndentParser
open FParsec
type Indentation =
| Fail
| Any
| Greater of Position
| Exact of Position
| AtLeast of Position
| StartIndent of Position
member this.Position = match this with
| Any | Fail -> None
| Greater p -> Some p
| Exact p -> Some p
| AtLeast p -> Some p
| StartIndent p -> Some p
type IndentState<'T> = { Indent : Indentation; UserState : 'T }
type CharStream<'T> = FParsec.CharStream<IndentState<'T>>
type IndentParser<'T, 'UserState> = Parser<'T, IndentState<'UserState>>
let indentState u = {Indent = Any; UserState = u}
let runParser p u s = runParserOnString p (indentState u) "" s
let runParserOnFile p u path = runParserOnFile p (indentState u) path System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
let getIndentation : IndentParser<_,_> =
fun stream -> match stream.UserState with
| {Indent = i} -> Reply i
let getUserState : IndentParser<_,_> =
fun stream -> match stream.UserState with
| {UserState = u} -> Reply u
let putIndentation newi : IndentParser<unit, _> =
fun stream ->
stream.UserState <- {stream.UserState with Indent = newi}
let failf fmt = fail << sprintf fmt
let acceptable i (pos : Position) =
match i with
| Any _ -> true
| Fail -> false
| Greater bp -> bp.Column < pos.Column
| Exact ep -> ep.Column = pos.Column
| AtLeast ap -> ap.Column <= pos.Column
| StartIndent _ -> true
let nestableIn i o =
match i, o with
| Greater i, Greater o -> o.Column < i.Column
| Greater i, Exact o -> o.Column < i.Column
| Exact i, Exact o -> o.Column = i.Column
| Exact i, Greater o -> o.Column <= i.Column
| _, _ -> true
let tokeniser p = parse {
let! pos = getPosition
let! i = getIndentation
if acceptable i pos then return! p
else return! fail "incorrect indentation"
let nestP i o p = parse {
do! putIndentation i
let! x = p
do! notFollowedBy (tokeniser anyChar) <?> (sprintf "unterminated %A" i)
do! putIndentation o
return x
let nest indentor p = parse {
let! outerI = getIndentation
let! curPos = getPosition
let innerI = indentor curPos
if nestableIn innerI outerI
then return! nestP innerI outerI p
else return! nestP Fail outerI p
let nestWithPos indentor pos p = parse {
let! outerI = getIndentation
let innerI = indentor pos
if nestableIn innerI outerI
then return! nestP innerI outerI p
else return! nestP Fail outerI p
let neglectIndent p = parse {
let! o = getIndentation
do! putIndentation Any
let! x = p
do! putIndentation o
return x
let checkIndent<'u> : IndentParser<unit, 'u> = tokeniser (preturn ())
let indented<'a,'u> i (p : Parser<'a,_>) : IndentParser<_, 'u> = parse {
do! putIndentation i
do! spaces
return! tokeniser p
/// Allows to check if the position of the parser currently being analyzed (`p`)
/// is on the same line as the defined position (`pos`).
let exact<'a,'u> pos p: IndentParser<'a, 'u> = indented (Exact pos) p
/// Allows to check if the position of the parser currently being analyzed (`p`)
/// is further away than the defined position (`pos`).
let greater<'a,'u> pos p: IndentParser<'a, 'u> = indented (Greater pos) p
/// Allows to check if the position of the parser currently being analyzed (`p`)
/// is on the same OR line further than the defined position (`pos`).
let atLeast<'a,'u> pos p: IndentParser<'a, 'u> = indented (AtLeast pos) p
/// Simply check if the parser (`p`) exists, regardless of its position in the text to be analyzed.
let any<'a,'u> pos p: IndentParser<'a, 'u> = indented Any p
let newline<'u> : IndentParser<unit, 'u> = many (skipAnyOf " \t" <?> "whitespace") >>. newline |>> ignore
let rec blockOf p = parse {
do! spaces
let! pos = getPosition
let! x = exact pos p
let! xs = attempt (exact pos <| blockOf p) <|> preturn []
return x::xs
и вот пример возникшей проблемы:
open FParsec
open IndentParser
// ---------- AST ----------
type Statement
= Let of string * Expr
and Expr
= Tuple of Expr list
| Literal of Literal
and Literal
= Int of int
| Float of float
| Char of char
// ---------- Parser ----------
let inline pstr's s = stringReturn s s <?> sprintf "`%s`" s
let inline pstr'u s = stringReturn s () <?> sprintf "`%s`" s
let identifier = manySatisfy (fun c -> isLetter c || c = ''')
let comment = pstr'u "//" >>. skipRestOfLine true <?> ""
let numberFormat =
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowMinusSign
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowHexadecimal
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowOctal
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowPlusSign
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowFraction
let number<'u> : IndentParser<Literal, 'u> =
(numberLiteral numberFormat "number" |>> fun nl ->
if nl.IsInteger then Int(int nl.String)
else Float(float nl.String))
let char<'u> : IndentParser<Literal, 'u> =
((between (pstr'u "'") (pstr'u "'")
(satisfy (fun c -> c <> '\'')) <?> "char literal") |>> Char)
let rec let'parser =
parse { let! pos = getPosition
do! exact pos (pstr'u "let" <?> "let statement")
let! name = greater pos identifier <?> "identifier"
do! greater pos (pstr'u "=" <?> "value assignment")
let! value = greater pos expression
return Let(name, value) }
and tuple'parser =
parse { let! pos = getPosition
do! exact pos (pstr'u "(" <?> "tuple")
let! uplets = greater pos (sepBy1 expression (pstr'u ","))
do! greater pos (pstr'u ")" <?> "right parenthese")
return Tuple uplets }
and literal'parser = attempt number <|> char |>> Literal
and expression =
spaces >>? (attempt tuple'parser <|> literal'parser)
and statement = spaces >>? let'parser .>>? spaces .>>? (attempt comment <|> (spaces >>% ()))
// ---------- Test ----------
let res = runParser (spaces >>? blockOf statement .>>? (spaces .>>? eof)) () @"
let foo = (0, 1) // it works well
let bar = 887 // it works well
let oof = 'x' // it works well
let rab = // it fail with 'incorrect indentation' (without this comment)
let ofo = (0, 2, // it fail with 'incorrect indentation' (without this comment)
printfn "%A" res
Это действительно раздражает ...
Кто-нибудь объяснит мне, как решить эту проблему?