We create a course using cenario VR for mobile. Created course will be run on our ilms on desktop it works fine but on Android Mobile it will restart after some time. Below are some error that I found in debugging.
Please provide me some solution
Thanks in Advance
Курс Cenario VR Android начинается снова и снова.
Мы получаем следующую ошибку при отладке приложения.
1 Исходные параметры сцены: n {image: "", preview: "", video: "file: ///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.inspir…se/scene/0e213a6f-08e9- 47b3-8d79-a51151d1a6a3.mp4 ", defaultYaw: -0.04346452085383218, isStereo: false,…} построитель: falsedefaultYaw: -0.04346452085383218 errorroress: false «" startTime: 0видео: » a51151d1a6a3.mp4 "том: 1__proto__: объект
файл embed.js
2 https://s3.amazonaws.com/public.cenariovr.com/static/dpdb/dpdb.json net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED
3 Error loading online DPDB!
4 embed.js:1 trying local DPDB
5 Scene.builder: false Chrome: true tapped: undefined
6 Invalid timestamps detected. Time step between successive gyroscope sensor samples is very small or not monotonic
7 three.js:120 THREE.WebGLRenderer: image is not power of two (744x192). Resized to 512x128 <canvas width="744" height="192">
8 THREE.WebGLRenderer: image is not power of two (2299x1174). Resized to 2048x1024
9 THREE.WebGLRenderer: image is not power of two (916x1174). Resized to 512x1024
10 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
at ja.fromArray (VM60 three.js:255)
at THREE.VRControls.update (VM60 three.js:655)
at n.render (VM61 embed.js:1)
at T (VM61 embed.js:1)
11 THREE.WebGLRenderer: image is not power of two (100x100). Resized to 64x64 <canvas width="100" height="100">
12 Initial scene params : n
1. builder: false
2. defaultYaw: 0
3. errorMessage: null
4. hideFullscreenButton: false
5. image: "./img/blank.png"
6. isAutopanOff: false
7. isDebug: false
8. isStereo: false
9. isVROff: false
10. isYawOnly: false
11. loop: true
12. muted: false
13. preview: ""
14. startTime: NaN
15. video: ""
16. volume: NaN
17. __proto__: Object
13 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
14 js-agent.newrelic.com/nr-1118.min.js:1
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED
15 Uncaught ReferenceError: HistoryLogger is not defined
15 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED
16 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED
Курс должен завершиться без перезапуска.