Я добавил строку, которая инициирует окно сообщения, используя ранее созданную вами строку.
Чтобы узнать больше о окнах сообщений и их использовании, ознакомьтесь с этой страницей MDOCS !
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Form")
If Len(.Range("B2")) = 0 Then
.Range("B2") = InputBox("Enter your name: ")
ElseIf Len(.Range("B3")) = 0 Then
.Range("B3") = InputBox("Please enter your email: ")
ElseIf Len(.Range("B4")) = 0 Then
.Range("B4") = InputBox("Please Enter Chocolate Amount: ")
ElseIf Len(.Range("B5")) = 0 Then
Range("B5") = InputBox("Please Enter Vanilla Amount : ")
ElseIf Len(.Range("B6")) = 0 Then
Range("B6") = InputBox("Please Enter Strawberry Amount: ")
TotalOrdered = .Range("B4").Value + .Range("B5").Value + .Range("B6").Value
Exit Sub
End If
End With
'goes through checking the order and number and discount amount
Select Case Price
Case TotalOrdered >= 6 And TotalOrdered <= 10
Price = TotalOrdered * OrderPrice * 0.95
Case TotalOrdered >= 11 And TotalOrdered <= 20
Price = TotalOrdered * OrderPrice * 0.9
Case TotalOrdered >= 21
Price = TotalOrdered * OrderPrice * 0.8
Case Else 'less than 6
Price = TotalOrdered * OrderPrice
End Select
'I incorporated the unit price with discount so it is more informative for the customer
StrMsg = ("Unit Price: $" & Price / TotalOrdered _ 'format function from HW 2
& "Quantity: " & TotalOrdered _
& "Tax Rate: $" & TaxRate _
& "Final Total Price: " & Price * TaxRateMultiplier)
MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation, "Prices"