После долгих исследований я узнал, как это сделать, прежде чем вы сделаете это, ваш игрок должен войти в систему
//the data you want to save must be in bytes
byte[] bytearray;
//name of the snapshot
private String currentSave="snapshot"+1235;
private void executeSaving(){
// get the snapshoClient
SnapshotsClient snapshotsClient= Games.getSnapshotsClient(this,account);
// to save a game
snapshotsClient.open(currentSave,true).addOnCompleteListener(task -> {
Snapshot snapshot =task.getResult().getData();
if (snapshot != null){
//call of the method writeSnapshot params : the snapshot and the data we
//want to save with a description
writeSnapshot(snapshot,bytearray,"first description").addOnCompleteListener(task1 -> {
}else {
private Task<SnapshotMetadata> writeSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot ,byte[] bytearray,String desc){
//write your data in the snapshot
SnapshotMetadataChange snapshotMetadata = new SnapshotMetadataChange.Builder().setDescription(desc).build();
SnapshotsClient snapshotsClient=Games.getSnapshotsClient(this,account);
//commit and close to send the new changes to google play games services
return snapshotsClient.commitAndClose(snapshot,snapshotMetadata);