Мне нужно предоставить вызывающему абоненту записи из одного или двух разных источников данных и в пределах указанного диапазона дат или года.
Моя дилемма - использовать перегруженные методы или объект запроса с логикой проверки состояния.
Так что либо:
public List<Record> getRecords (Date fromDate, Date toDate, boolean dataSourceARequired, boolean dataSourceBRequired)
public List<Record> getRecords (int fromYear, int toYear, boolean dataSourceARequired, boolean dataSourceBRequired)
или как-то так:
public List<Record> getRecords(Request request)
где запрос будет выглядеть примерно так:
public class Request{
private final Date fromDate;
private final Date toDate;
private final int fromYear;
private final int toYear;
private final boolean dataSourceARequired;
private final boolean dataSourceBRequired;
public Request(Date fromDate, Date toDate, boolean dataSourceARequired, boolean dataSourceBRequired){
if (fromDate == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("fromDate can't be null");
if (toDate == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("toDate can't be null");
if (!dataSourceARequired && !dataSourceBRequired){
throw new IllegalStateException ("No data source requested");
if (fromDate.after(toDate)){
throw new IllegalStateException ("startDate can't be after endDate");
this.fromDate = fromDate;
this.toDate = toDate;
this.dataSourceARequired = dataSourceARequired;
this.dataSourceBRequired = dataSourceBRequired;
this.fromYear = -1;
this.toYear = -1;
public Request(int fromYear, int toYear, boolean dataSourceARequired, boolean dataSourceBRequired){
if (fromYear > toYear) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("fromYear can't be greater than toYear");
if (!dataSourceARequired && !dataSourceBRequired){
throw new IllegalStateException ("No data source requested");
this.dataSourceARequired = dataSourceARequired;
this.dataSourceBRequired = dataSourceBRequired;
this.fromYear = fromYear;
this.toYear = toYear;
this.fromDate = null;
this.toDate = null;
Или есть другой способ?