Я пытаюсь вызвать мой файл класса из другого файла, создать экземпляр объекта (который работает) - и затем запустить одну из функций в моем втором файле (который не работает).
Я получаю сообщение об ошибке при попытке вызвать одну из функций во втором файле. Я думаю, что понимаю, почему это происходит, так как экземпляр был создан в файле 1, а этот файл 1 не имеет доступа к
метод из второго файла (create_account). Но есть ли способ обойти это?
Я могу заставить его работать, если добавлю определения классов во второй файл. Но я думал, что мой дизайн будет лучше, если я сохраню их в первом файле
Ошибка будет, например, -
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\hassy\Google Drive\Python\bnk\bank_account\database.py", line 130, in <module>
obj1.Database.create_account("Frank Sanchez", 135063543, 2380, 100, 'bank_account')
AttributeError: 'BankAccount' object has no attribute 'Database'
class BankAccount:
def __init__(self, name, social, account_number, balance, acctype):
self.name = name
self.social = social
self.account_number = account_number
self.balance = balance
self.acctype = acctype
class CreditCard(BankAccount):
def __init__(self, name, social, account_number, balance, acctype, card_no, credit_score=None, credit_limit=None):
super().__init__(name, social, account_number, balance, acctype)
self.card_no = card_no
self.credit_score = credit_score
self.credit_limit = credit_limit
class SavingsAccount(BankAccount):
def __init__(self, name, social, account_number, balance, acctype, rate=None):
super().__init__(name, social, account_number, balance, acctype)
self.rate = None
Файл базы данных (второй файл) -
import sqlite3
import secrets
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email import encoders
import send_email
#import account
from account import BankAccount
from account import CreditCard
conn = sqlite3.connect('bank_account.db')
c = conn.cursor()
def create_account(self, name, social, account_number, balance, acctype, card_no=None, credit_score=None, credit_limit=None):
""" create different accounts based on account type passed in """
with conn:
if acctype == 'bank_account':
c.execute("INSERT INTO {} VALUES (:name, :social, :account_number, :balance, :pin)".format(acctype),
{'name':name, 'social': social,'account_number': account_number, 'balance':balance, 'pin':''})
print("New account: {} has been created, acc # is: {}".format(acctype, account_number))
elif acctype == 'savings_account':
c.execute("INSERT INTO {} VALUES (:name, :social, :account_number, :balance, :rate)".format(acctype),
{'name':name, 'social': social,'account_number': account_number, 'balance':balance, 'rate':''})
print("New account: {} has been created, acc # is: {}".format(acctype, account_number))
elif acctype == 'credit_card':
c.execute("INSERT INTO credit_card VALUES (:name, :social, :account_number, :balance, :card_no,:credit_score, :credit_limit, :pin)",
{'name':name, 'social': social,'account_number': account_number, 'balance':balance, 'card_no'
:card_no, 'credit_score':credit_score, 'credit_limit':credit_limit, 'pin':'' })
print("New account: {} has been created, acc # is: {}".format(acctype, account_number))
def get_account(self,account_number, acctype):
""" Show all rows in DB for the the account type passed in """
with conn:
account_find = c.execute("SELECT * from {} WHERE account_number=:account_number".format(acctype),
account_found = c.fetchone()
if not account_found:
print("No {} matching that number could be found".format(acctype))
print("Account type: {} exists!".format(acctype))
def get_balance(self, account_number, acctype):
""" get balance from account """
with conn:
balance = c.execute("SELECT balance from {} WHERE account_number=:account_number".format(acctype),
balance = c.fetchone()
print("The balance for account number: {} is ${}".format(account_number, balance[0]))
notif_set = BankAccount.get_notif(self, account_number, acctype)
if notif_set is None:
print("No notifications are set for this user")
notif_balance = notif_set[4]
name = notif_set[0]
if notif_balance == 1:
notify = send_email.send_email(account_number, acctype, 'Balance', balance, balance, name)
def deposit(self, account_number, acctype, amount):
""" Deposit funds into the account number + acctype for the account passed in """
with conn:
account_found = BankAccount.get_account(self, account_number, acctype)
if account_found:
existing_bal = account_found[3]
c.execute("""UPDATE {} SET balance=balance +:amount
WHERE account_number =:account_number""".format(acctype),
{'account_number':account_number, 'amount':amount})
new_bal = existing_bal + (int(amount))
print("${} has been deposited to account {} and the new balance is ${}".format(amount, account_number, existing_bal + (int(amount))))
# Check email configurations are turned on for deposits
notif_set = notifications.get_notif(self, account_number, acctype)
if notif_set is None:
print("No notifications are set for this user")
notif_deposits = notif_set[5]
name = notif_set[0]
if notif_deposits == 1:
notify = send_email.send_email(account_number, acctype, 'Deposit', amount, new_bal, name)
def withdraw(self, account_number, acctype, amount):
""" withdraw funds from the bank account number passed in """
with conn:
account_found = BankAccount.get_account(self, account_number, acctype)
existing_bal = account_found[3]
if account_found:
c.execute("""UPDATE bank_account SET balance=balance -:amount
WHERE account_number =:account_number""",
{'account_number':account_number, 'amount':amount})
new_bal = existing_bal - (int(amount))
print("${} has been withdrawn from account {} and the new balance is ${}".format(amount, account_number, existing_bal - (int(amount))))
notif_set = BankAccount.get_notif(self, account_number, acctype)
if notif_set is None:
print("No notifications have been set for this acct")
notif_withdraw = notif_set[7]
name = notif_set[0]
if notif_withdraw == 1:
notify = send_email.send_email(account_number, acctype, 'Withdraw', amount, new_bal, name)
print("Withdrawl notifications have been turned off")
if account_found and new_bal < 0 and notif_set is not None:
notify_o = send_email.send_email(account_number, acctype, 'Overdraft', amount, new_bal, name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
obj1 = BankAccount("Frank Sanchez", 135063543, 2380, 100, 'bank_account')
obj1.Database.create_account("Frank Sanchez", 135063543, 2380, 100, 'bank_account')